Chapter 19

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Starspeckle's POV

I ventured forth, accompanied by my comrades, as we traversed the length of the day. Finally, our tireless search led us to discover a secluded den where we could rest our weary bodies.

As far as my eyes could discern, the hollow appeared vacant. I nestled myself within a small bed of moss, gracefully draping my tail over my paws. Sunfall approached, tenderly nuzzling me with her delicate snout before settling closely beside me.

A smile adorned my countenance as I gently rested my head upon her stomach. Shortly after, Lillypetal joined our assembly, positioning herself near my hindquarters. In due time, the entire group assembled, drawing nearer to one another, for no one wished to face the unknown shadows of this dank cavern alone.

"Sleep well," purred Brambleclaw, and we echoed his sentiment as darkness engulfed my eyes.

"You have little time left, Starspeckle. Unleash your inner dragon," a voice whispered. I opened my eyes, gazing into a pair of vibrant green orbs. A towering creature stood, its skeletal skin and sharp, elongated claws giving it a fearsome appearance. Its broad and formidable wings fluttered in an eerie, cold breeze.

I blinked. The dragon blinked.

"You heard me," he said after a moment, his voice as deep and resonant as stones grinding together in a dark, narrow abyss. I purred softly, "Yes, and who might you be?" The dragon smiled, gently touching my nose with his own.

"Little time, young warrior," he replied cryptically, his paw gesturing forward as darkness swirled around me. But this time, I did not awaken in the den.

A fallen warrior lay motionless upon a grassy field drenched in blood while a magnificent and imposing creature stood over it.

Mother, I thought. This must be her true dragon form, for I recognize that ethereal white hue anywhere. "Your mother has found herself, but she is not the trouble that plagues the Clans. Only you can save them," the dragon's voice resonated once more, and I turned towards him, only to find Leafpaw standing there, her large eyes filled with terror.

A knot formed in my stomach.

"Embrace your true self; become a dragon," the voice urged.

I sighed, lowered my gaze to my paws, and looked up at my mother. She had turned away from the lifeless body and was now facing Leafpaw, a chilling smile gracing her lips. I couldn't hear her words, but her mouth moved.

"Help them," the vision vanished, the dragon disappeared, and I found myself in the den with my sisters and friends nearby.

I sighed, raking my claws against the grass I had nestled in. I couldn't wait for all of us to reach that place; I had to go alone; I had to become the dragon I was meant to be.

Rising to my paws, I licked Sunfall's ear. "I'm so sorry," I whispered, then darted out of the den. Outside, the sun was making its way over the mountains, and I allowed myself to be embraced by its warm rays. Time-shifted, halted, and resumed once more.

Flames flickered around me, igniting my fur, and I grew larger, stronger. Patches of vibrant orange adorned my scales, contrasting against the predominant white.

I smiled.

And took to the air.


I followed the familiar scent of ThunderClan, the only Clan I had ever known, and flew as swiftly as possible. My mother had ventured into WindClan territory when she killed Mudfur if I recall the direction correctly.

It doesn't seem like my mother at all. I shivered. She never kills without reason, and I'm certain that whatever it is, it's not just because Mudfur posed a challenge. I flashed throughout the forest and paused momentarily when a familiar gray, black, and white fur appeared. Midnight. I smiled. Had the old badger truly made it here? But for what purpose?

Lowering myself into the woods, trees bending away to make way for me as I folded my wings back.

It was Midnight, and she smiled at me as I landed before her. "Ah, young Starspeckle, you have finally found your true self," she purred. I smiled and bowed down, touching noses with her. "I have," I replied. Midnight looked around. "Where are the rest of your friends?" she asked.

I sighed, my wings drooping. "In a nearby den. I had to leave them. The forest... WindClan needs me, my mother needs me," I said. Midnight gazed into my eyes, and I saw understanding in those small, jewel-like glimmers.

"Of course, I will let your friends know you have ventured into the forest again," she said. I pondered for a moment. "You should; otherwise, those furballs will search this entire place for me," I added.

She smiled.

"Travel safely, young dragon. May StarClan be with you," she said. I smiled and bid her farewell before returning to the air, soaring towards the forest.


When I arrived at the forest, it was already too late. Fire had ravaged half of WindClan's territory, and something large and menacing stood in their camp.


I growled, narrowing my eyes before letting myself descend. I didn't open them until I had pressed my body over Mother's. "Starspeckle?!" she roared in surprise, and tears stung my eyes. "Mother," I whispered, but as much as I longed to hold her, to cuddle against her and have her assure me that everything would be alright, I couldn't.

I was the protector of the forest now and forever, even if it meant battling my mother.

"What are you doing?!" she snarled, pushing me away. I flicked my tail and spread my wings, preparing for a confrontation. "I can't let you destroy the forest, Mother," I said calmly, hiding the immense pain it caused me.

Mother scoffed, "Destroy the forest? Seriously? I am saving it. WindClan has gone too far." I dug my claws into the ground beneath me. "And what have they done, Mother? Mudfur denied you access to their territory, didn't he?" I said.

Mother looked down uneasily. "Because of you, the Clans will go to war. Because of you, Mother, we have to fight. There's no one to blame but you and me. I knew I should have let my dragon emerge earlier and yours not descend into madness," I said, my voice growing heavier, weighed down by the sorrow I felt.

I glanced over at Tallstar, who stood rigidly near his den. Many cats surrounded him, their bodies marked with long, bleeding wounds, staining the grass beneath them red.

I swallowed and turned back to Mother. She hadn't attacked me; she stared at me with wide blue eyes filled with sorrow. After a while, she spoke, her voice barely audible: "You're right, Starspeckle. I-I have gone too far. I... I..." She trailed off and trotted away, turning towards Tallstar, whom I saw her approach.

"Tallstar, will you forgive me?" she asked.

The clearing fell silent.

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