Chapter 1

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"Much is to be read stars, in running water, in flash of light on waves. Whole word speaks if ears are open to listen."


Star-speckle found himself standing inside a cavern that was unrecognizable at first. However, as he breathed in the air, the familiar scent of Midnight the badger flooded his senses, reminding him of the moment when she had shared the fate of the forest and the prophecies that awaited them.

Taking a deep breath, Star-speckle stood up, his paws moving slowly as he ventured deeper into the cave, seeking a connection with StarClan. Yet, as he approached the opening, there stood Midnight, her small eyes gleaming gently with curiosity. "What brings you here?" she asked, her voice calm and wise.

Star-speckle flicked his tail and respectfully dipped his head. "I have come to witness one last revelation before my friends and I depart. I need to truly understand and accept myself," he explained, his voice filled with determination.

Midnight nodded in understanding and stepped back, granting Star-speckle passage into the heart of the cave, known as the Dragon's Hearth. The gray and orange tom padded forward, his paws touching the cool surface of the crystal. And in that moment, everything around him faded into darkness, engulfing him completely.


As flickering lights caressed his eyes, Star-speckle opened them to behold a grand hall, filled with dancing stars and flames that licked at the walls. "You've come," a soft voice mewed, and Star-speckle turned to see the aged ThunderClan leader, Bluestar. He dipped his head respectfully, well aware of the stories surrounding this she-cat, how she had valiantly perished in a battle against dogs to save his father, Firestar.

"Bluestar," he mewed, his voice filled with reverence. The gray she-cat approached him, gently touching her nose to his forehead. "Rise, young dragon. I see that you have come to embrace your true nature, just as your mother did," she said, her words carrying a weight of wisdom.

Star-speckle followed her guidance, rising onto his paws and meeting her piercing blue gaze. "I have, but I wonder if it is wise to have a dragon among the cats. It seems like an unlikely fit," he voiced his concerns, searching for reassurance.

Bluestar nodded and settled down, curling her tail around her paws. "To many, it may not seem wise, but having a guardian among them, someone who possesses knowledge of the Sundown Place, will aid ThunderClan and all the clans in overcoming challenges that StarClan alone cannot help them with. You know the way, and I believe you will lead them with bravery, for you are the chosen one," she spoke with conviction.

With a gentle touch of her tail against his shoulder, the old ThunderClan leader vanished, leaving Star-speckle to gradually fade out of the dream, his heart filled with newfound purpose and determination.


Star-speckle awoke with a shuddering fire running through his veins. He knew that the time had come to fully accept who he truly was, but he also understood that the transformation couldn't simply happen at the snap of a paw. It wouldn't be that easy.

Rising to his paws, he walked out of the Dragon's Hearth cave, passing by the slumbering form of Midnight, who let out gentle snores. His friends were waking up as well, stretching and grooming their fur. "There you are," Crowpaw grunted, relief evident in his voice as he approached Star-speckle, touching noses with him. "We were getting worried."

Star-speckle smiled at the black, lean WindClan apprentice. Despite Crowpaw's outward briskness and sharp demeanor, Star-speckle knew he was a sweetheart underneath it all. It was heartening to see that he trusted Star-speckle enough to show that side of himself now.

"Come on," mewed Brambleclaw, shaking off the remnants of sleep from his fur. "We need to get going."

"You do," rumbled Midnight, nearly startling Star-speckle half to death. He hissed in surprise but refrained from saying anything, instead dipping his head in acknowledgment. He padded out of the cave and onto the bank, with Midnight following beside him. "I will accompany you through the forests until you must take your own path," she offered.

The gray and orange cat nodded, settling down to wait for his friends as they made their way up the slope from the Cave of Teeth. Soon, they were all on their journey again, with Midnight providing them company. She turned out to be a pleasant companion, and Star-speckle enjoyed talking to her. She taught him how to read signs, from the whispers of the breeze to the patterns in the stars, and even the flickers of golden light upon the horizon. She was a skilled storyteller, and it was fascinating to observe how Star-speckle slowly began to see the signs as well.

Perhaps he did possess a talent after all.


Halfway through the forest, Star-speckle caught a familiar scent. It was Purdy, the cat who had guided them through Twolegplace. Star-speckle quickened his pace and soon spotted the old and sturdy tom lapping at a small puddle. Purdy rose up upon hearing footsteps, his face lighting up when he recognized the familiar faces. However, his expression turned wary and his back arched when he saw Midnight approaching. "Careful, young ones, there's a badger here," the old cat growled, and Midnight raised an eyebrow, clearly unfazed by the threat. She could easily dispatch him if she desired.

Star-speckle stepped between them, his tail lashing in agitation. "Purdy, it's okay. Midnight is our friend. It was she we set out to meet," he explained. Purdy glanced at Midnight, then reluctantly nodded, although a few stray fur tufts still bristled on his back, and a hostile glint remained in his eyes. "Very well, I'll let her be for now. But if I ever see her trying to harm any of you, she's dead," Purdy warned, his voice carrying a firm resolve.

Star-speckle sighed, realizing that compromises were the best he could hope for. He accepted what he could get, knowing that this was the most favorable outcome given the circumstances. With Purdy and Midnight now keeping their distance from each other, they continued their journey together. Soon, they arrived at a cresting hill, where they could see the mountains ahead or choose to pass through Twolegplace once again.

"You better go through the mountains," Midnight advised. However, Purdy shook his head, his fur bristling. "It's not safe there. I can take them the same way we came, but through a safer path," he meowed, prompting Midnight to glare at him.

But before the two could argue further, Star-speckle gasped in sudden pain, clutching his chest as he collapsed to the ground, his body going limp.

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