Chapter 22

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Starspeckle's POV

I stood there, watching as Tallstar gazed at my brother, his form transforming into the white she-cat he once was. Her blue eyes filled with sadness and guilt. The white and black tomcat mustered a shaky smile before approaching her and touching nose, whispering gently, "I do miss you, Heart. You have been a loyal friend to WindClan for many seasons. How could I cast that aside now?"

I smiled, touching my tail tip to our mother's flank. She rose to her paws and purred, nuzzling Tallstar's cheek. "Thank you," she whispered, stepping back and lowering her head. "I will never forget our friendship, Tallstar." Then, she turned to me, giving me a tender nuzzle, before facing the rest of our Clan that had come to aid WindClan.

"I apologize for all of you having to witness this. I know I have much to do to regain your trust, which will take time. But for now, let us return home. WindClan has faced enough troubles," she declared, her tail drooping. With that, she began to walk away, and I sighed, watching her depart.

I turned to Father, who gazed sadly after his mate before nodding to his clanmates. "Go on," he instructed, and one by one, ThunderClan members dispersed, some accompanying Mistyheart while others hesitated around the white she-cat who was once feared as the dragon.

Firestar approached me, walking over and pressing his flank against mine, enveloping me in a hug that conveyed more than words ever could. I wrapped myself around him, grateful that he was my father and I had not been forced to harm my mother.

"Let's go home, son," Firestar meowed softly in my ear, and I nodded in agreement. We made our way back together, with Leafpaw walking at our side.


When we returned to camp, I noticed a gathering of cats that hadn't accompanied us on our journey. The scent of Brambleclaw and the others filled the air, and I hurried over to them, the crowd parting to let me through. "You're back," I breathed, touching noses with Brambleclaw. Wrapping my tail around his flank, I did the same with Sunfall, Lillypetal, and Squirrelpaw. "We are, and we have some grave news," Brambleclaw said, turning to face Firestar, who met his gaze with unwavering green eyes. "Tell me everything after you've had a chance to eat. Brambleclaw, you and the others must have had a long journey. I assure you that the others have returned to their camps," Firestar assured us. My friends nodded, and Sunfall and Lillypetal touched noses with our father before glancing around. "Where's Mistyheart?" Lillypetal mewed. Graystripe approached us, a gentle smile on his face. "She's resting at her den. She had a demanding day as a mother," he replied. I shivered lightly. "I'll fill you in on everything once she's feeling better," I promised. My sisters nodded, and we dispersed to tend to our tasks.

"Starspeckle, can we speak with you?" Squirrelpaw called out. I nodded, seeing Brambleclaw standing close by her.

Soon, we found ourselves in a secluded bramble thicket away from the camp. We all settled down, and I turned my gaze to them, my heart racing. "What is it?" I asked gently, anticipation pulsing through me. Were they finally going to say it? Was this the moment?

Brambleclaw exchanged a glance with Squirrelpaw before gathering his courage to speak. "Starspeckle, we've been wanting to tell you this for a while..." he trailed off, shaking his head as if dispelling doubts. "We-"

"We like you," Squirrelpaw interrupted, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Brambleclaw pinned his ears, slightly frustrated. "I wanted to say that," he hissed. Squirrelpaw scoffed and flicked his ear with her tail. "You were taking too long, but it's true, Starspeckle. We... love you," she confessed. My ears grew warm, and I knew then that I loved them too.

Meeting their gaze with my own, filled with love, I purred, "I love you both as well." The two beamed, and we touched muzzles, our scents mingling in a sweet embrace. Drawing back, Squirrelpaw pressed herself against my chest, and Brambleclaw wrapped himself around both of us. For the first time, I felt true happiness, knowing that no matter what challenges life may bring, I had them—my family, my Clan—and nothing could go wrong.

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