Chapter 14

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Feahtertail's  POV

I gazed with wide eyes as the cave-guards forcefully pushed us away from Starspeckle. The intense desire to either tear their fur apart or snatch Starspeckle and flee overwhelmed me.

However, deep down, I understood that I couldn't give in to those impulses. These cats had shown us nothing but hospitality. I couldn't bring myself to harm them.

Reluctantly, I allowed the guards to escort me out, but my friends weren't as understanding.

Crowpaw spat at the guards and attempted to slash one, but Sunfall, Starspeckle's elder sister, swiftly swiped him away. "Don't attack them!" she hissed.

Crowpaw's glare persisted, but he eventually relented and sat down, his tail curling over his paws while pointedly ignoring the rest of us.

I let out a sigh and dug my claws into the ground beneath my paws. Suddenly, an apprentice approached us, offering food. Crowpaw eagerly devoured the prey handed to him.

Lilypetal flicked her tail in gratitude and began eating her own fresh-kill, a small rabbit. The large, snow-white she-cat finished her meal swiftly, running her tongue over her muzzle before turning to face me and Stormfur.

"You, Stormfur, are the strongest among the six of us. You could either confront them directly or we could try a different approach," she suggested, her voice trailing off as she noticed Brambleclaw's piercing gaze upon her.

I understood what Brambleclaw was thinking: attacking right now was not the best course of action. Reluctantly, I admitted to myself that it was the most prudent plan we could have at the moment.

Squirrelpaw couldn't contain her anger any longer. "So, we're just going to leave Starspeckle there? I know he wanted to stay, but they were forcing us out!" she burst out, clearly furious.

Sunfall gently placed the tip of her tail on the ginger apprentice's shoulder, soothing her. "Calm down, Squirrelpaw. My brother has made his choice, and we can't force him to leave. If he's happy there, we have to respect that. We discussed this, remember? Now, a tribe of strangers won't change our minds. They may have been rough with us, but they provided us with shelter and food. That's all we can ask for. Besides, I don't want us catching white cough out here," she meowed, rising to her paws.

I exchanged a glance with my brother before we both started padding after her. Well, that's better, I thought, a small smile forming on my face.

Anyway, the sooner we returned home, the sooner we could warn our clans. That would be a victory in itself. I just hoped that Starspeckle would be safe and sound.


After nearly a week of traveling away from the mountains, we found ourselves in a forest, or at least what seemed like one. The surroundings were becoming increasingly lush and vibrant, with green ferns, bushes, and foliage adorning the landscape. It was a sight of sheer beauty, and I couldn't help but wish that our home forest would be just as enchanting.

A cat can hope, right?

"Hey, what's on your mind?" a voice mewed beside me, and I felt Stormfur's pelt gently brushing against mine. I turned my head to the side and saw him walking alongside me, his amber gaze filled with warmth.

I smiled and touched noses with Stormfur, trying to mask the true depth of my emotions. "Nothing much, just awed by this beauty," I mewed, attempting to hide my worry for Starspeckle and the fluttering sensation in my chest whenever thoughts of that ginger and white tomcat crossed my mind. My heart raced, and my paws tingled.

Oh no... Could I be falling for him? I thought, my gaze dropping to my paws as we walked. I-I mean, we're from different Clans, and there's no way... he could like me.

"Hey, chin up," Stormfur mewed, and I halted, looking deep into his eyes. I saw my own emotions reflected back at me. Does he feel the same way I do about Starspeckle? Does... he like him too?

"What's the matter, Feathertail? You didn't tell me," Stormfur inquired, concern etched on his face. I sighed and dug my claws into the leaf-covered ground, feeling the weight of the others' gazes upon us.

"I just have a lot on my mind, that's all," I assured my brother. However, Stormfur flicked his tail in response, and Sunfall approached us. She gave a smile to the gray tom before guiding me away, her fur brushing against mine, and her tail intertwining with mine.

"Hey, from one she-cat to another, you can tell me anything. Is it about my brother?" she meowed, her tone gentle. I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me. Was I truly that much of an open book?

"I...," I started to respond, but Sunfall purred with amusement and nuzzled into my fur. "It's okay! Don't worry," she reassured me.

i sighed and we sat down a few foxlengs away from the others and i met the ginger warriors gaze "yes it is your btoehr i cant stop thinking about him" i admitted. sunfall grinned. "i kinda got that you know" she teased and i glared at her.

she chuckled but guestretd for me to go on "so as i was saying i have had this feeling for wutie some time now i just didn't think it would develop this far"

Sunfall couldn't stop smiling, and I began to wonder what was so amusing.

"What is it?" I asked. The handsome cat shrugged. "Oh, nothing, it's just that you're not the only one who has fallen for Starpseckle. I mean, Lillypetal and I have started to understand how love works, and we weren't so well-versed in it..." She chuckled, and I noticed her ears turning red.

Now it was my turn to speak up. "You have to tell me!" She shook her head. "It's nothing, but I'm sure he doesn't really want me; he has, after all, my brother."

I widened my eyes, "You're in love with... Brambleclaw."

She nodded and averted her gaze.

"Yes, I've been for a while now, but I knew even back in the forest that he would never choose me. My brother and he haven't spent much time together, but I know Brambleclaw has been keeping an eye on him from a distance, even as he trained me. Often, he would let me attack him just because he was distracted, and when I wondered what the reason was, I saw him gazing at Starspeckle as he walked by." Sunfall sighed and took a deep breath.

"I didn't think it would last this long. I thought that if we had some time together, Brambleclaw would see how much I truly cared for him, but it hasn't happened. I guess... I've been too mouse-brained shy to tell him about my feelings." I lightly touched her shoulder with the tip of my paw, and she leaned her head into my chest fur.

"Love is indeed difficult," I meowed, "you're not the only one who knows that."

I felt her tremble slightly, and I knew I had spoken the right words.

For once, I didn't care about what love did to all of us. All I knew was that I had a friend. One I could truly rely on.

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