Chapter 9

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Soon enough, Starspeckle and his friends had become quite skilled in the ways of the Tribe of Rushing Water. Starspeckle had even befriended a young she-cat named Brook, who was his age.

At that moment, Starspeckle sat in the cave of Rushing Water, engaging in a conversation with Tawnypelt, who had significantly improved since her shoulder wound had fully healed.

"Hey, have you seen Stormfur anywhere?" asked Sunfall, approaching Starspeckle. The orange and white tom shook his head. "Probably out with the prey hunters," he mewed softly. Sunfall nodded and walked away, prompting Starspeckle to look up and notice Tawnypelt rolling her eyes.

Curious, he tilted his head.

"Is there anything wrong?" he mewed, the speckled tom meeting her eyes for a few moments before she spat, "Don't you think Stormfur is getting too close to your mate?" she asked. Starspeckle blinked his blue eyes in surprise. "My mate?" he echoed. Tawnypelt snorted, her claws unsheathing and digging into the soft patch of moss they had chosen to sit on instead of the bare rock.

"Yeah, Brook, who else? We can all see how much you love her already, and now Stormfur is taking her away from you!" she snarled.

Starspeckle couldn't help it. A purr of amusement bubbled out of him, and he flicked his ears and tail before touching his nose to Tawnypelt's shoulder. "Tawnypelt, I-I..." he sighed, trying to calm himself down. "I don't love Brook. We've only known each other for a few hours; I can't love her yet." He then smiled and licked her cheek.

"Anyway, there's someone else I have in mind," he said, stepping back and walking away, leaving Tawnypelt to stare at his retreating orange and white fur.

A smile graced her muzzle.


The hunters were back, and Starspeckle padded over to see Stormfur and Brook conversing. A tinge of jealousy washed over the orange and white tom, and he bit his tongue. Why am I feeling jealous? They're nothing more than friends, just like me and Stormfur, he thought, shaking his head. He then smiled as the two cats approached, and Stormfur pressed his muzzle into Starspeckle's fur, causing the young tom to stiffen momentarily before leaning into the touch. Brook smiled and dipped her head, walking off to give the two toms space.

After a while, Stormfur gracefully stepped back, a gentle smile adorning his face. "Do you want to join me for a hunt tomorrow?" he asked, his voice filled with camaraderie. Starspeckle's kind blue eyes lit up with warmth. "Of course," he replied, his voice resonating with eagerness. Stormfur nodded approvingly and padded away to reunite with his sister, Feathertail. She had been observing them keenly, but her expression softened as she began to groom her brother's fur, an act of sibling love they had shared since birth.

Meanwhile, Starspeckle approached his slumbering sisters. Lilyscale lay sprawled out, her fur glimmering under the moonlight, while Sunfall slept peacefully, her eyes gently shut.

"Finally grasping the obvious, huh?" Lilyscale purred, mischief glinting in her captivating blue-green eyes. Starspeckle blinked, holding back the retort he would have swiftly offered if Stoneteller hadn't summoned him, urging him to attend to an important matter.

Starspeckle followed the Tribe leader, his paws carrying him deeper into the cave until he found himself in a chamber adorned with glittering, pointed stones that shimmered under an ethereal moonlight.

"This is the Cave of Pointed Stones. Here, I interpret the signs from the Tribe of Endless Hunting," Stoneteller mewed, settling down with his tail curled over his front paws. Starspeckle joined him, his gaze filled with wonder. "It's beautiful," he whispered in awe.

Stoneteller's eyes softened with warmth as he smiled. "If you wish, this can be your home from now on," he offered. Starspeckle looked up, surprised by the generous proposition. "I won't force you or your friends to stay here any longer if you do not want to. But know that we need you, Starspeckle, whether you are the Silver Cat or not."

Starspeckle gazed down at his paws, his claws uneasily tracing patterns in the complex, dusty soil of the cave. Being inside a cave was a new experience for him. Although his mother, in her dragon form, had sought refuge in shelters, associating them with legends of dragons and treasure, Starspeckle had no interest in material wealth. His true treasure lay in the bonds he had formed with the Tribe and his friends.

That was all he needed.

Eventually, Starspeckle lifted his head, meeting the earnest gaze of the brown tabby tom, Stoneteller. "I need to speak to my friends," he mewed, determination evident in his voice. "I cannot decide for them." Stoneteller nodded and dipped his head in understanding. "Your patience and love for them are admirable, Starspeckle. The Tribe of Endless Hunting holds you in great honor. Do as you please."

Starspeckle smiled gratefully, then stood and walked out of the cave. Tonight, during their gathering to share prey, he would reveal his thoughts to his friends.

As Starspeckle ventured out of the cave, a flicker of uncertainty crossed his mind. Would he gather the courage to share his thoughts with his friends? The weight of his decision settled heavily upon him. However, he knew deep down that he had to be honest with them, for they deserved to know his true intentions.

With each step he took, Starspeckle bolstered his resolve, reminding himself of the trust and camaraderie they shared. He knew he couldn't keep his feelings hidden any longer, for their unity relied on open communication.

Arriving at the gathering spot, where his friends awaited, Starspeckle took a deep breath and steadied himself. Tonight, he would find the courage to reveal his heart and hopes to those who mattered most.


"Is there anything you want to tell us?" Crowpaw's voice broke through Starspeckle's reverie, drawing his attention to the gray-black cat from WindClan. He blinked his blue eyes and sighed, his claws extending and digging into the ground.

"There is..." he began, his voice carrying a mixture of determination and uncertainty. And then he revealed everything—the truth about being the chosen cat and the responsibility he bore to help the Tribe.

"But we can't just stay here. We have to go home," Tawnypelt interjected firmly, her amber eyes reflecting her concern. Starspeckle nodded in understanding. "My sisters were chosen too. Take them with you. I need to stay here," he said, his voice tinged with resignation.

Sunfall and Lillypetal approached their brother, touching their noses to his in a display of support. "If you're sure about this, Starspeckle, then we respect your decision. But our father and mother won't be happy," Sunfall stated with a hint of worry. Starspeckle sighed, his gaze unwavering as he faced the Tribe.

"StarClan knows what I have to do. Go now," he called over his shoulder, a sense of determination in his words. And with that, he slunk away, his path leading him deeper into the unknown, driven by his sense of duty and the weight of his destiny.

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