Chapter 21

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Leafpaw's POV

A few moons had passed since Starspeckle had returned home, and I could sense that Squirrelpaw and the rest of the cats who had departed were also drawing near. Very close, in fact.

"Leafpaw, come on," Starspeckle meowed, brushing his tail against my flank before he stepped out of the camp. I shook my head and padded after him. We had agreed to go on a small herb-gathering patrol. Firestar and Mistyheart had granted us permission, but Firestar had made Starspeckle promise to come back and not wander off again.

Starspeckle had sighed and made that promise to his father, but he had given me a meaningful look.

I smiled as I thought about how much closer Starspeckle and I had become after he saved WindClan from his mother's wrath.

"Are you in the clouds again?" he asked after we had left ThunderClan's territory. I felt my ears grow warm with embarrassment. "I..." I trailed off, unsure if I should tell him that I had been thinking about him.

Starspeckle nudged me with his shoulder. "There, there, Leafpaw, don't fret. I was just curious. You were completely silent all morning, not even saying a word to Sandstorm," his eyes twinkled with amusement as he flicked his tail.

I sighed and simply stared down at the ground as we walked towards RiverClan. I could smell the scent of fish as strongly as I could feel my own paws. I wonder if Mothwing is doing well, I thought, and my tail twitched slightly.

Suddenly, Starspeckle and I stopped in our tracks. I looked at him, taken aback by the sudden intensity in his expression. I soon realized why when, emerging from the bushes on the other side of the river, Hawkfrost, Mothwing's brother and one of RiverClan's strongest and most fierce warriors, appeared.

He stiffened as he noticed us, his blue eyes immediately focusing on Starspeckle, and I saw something peculiar flicker within them.

"Starspeckle, Leafpaw, what in the name of all things are you doing here at our border?" he growled, his voice icy. Starspeckle placed his tail over his back, maintaining his composure. "I'm just with Leafpaw for medicine cat business, nothing more, nothing less," he replied.

Hawkfrost raised an eyebrow. "Of course. I expected nothing less from you, Starspeckle, but you've been gone for several moons. I was worried."

Starspeckle seemed unsure of what the striped tomcat meant by his words, but he simply dipped his head. "Thank you for your concern, Hawkfrost, but I didn't need it. Come, Leafpaw, we don't want Cinderpelt to worry or for Firestar to sense any trouble," he said. I followed him, glancing back to see Hawkfrost staring after my friend.

I didn't know what came over me, but I hissed and quickened my pace, my tail held high and my ears pinned back in anger. There was something about the way Hawkfrost looked at Starspeckle that set me off. I mean, I love Starspeckle, and therefore, he deserves no one else, no one who would take advantage of him.

"Is something wrong, Leafpaw?" Starspeckle clicked, stopping with his head turned towards me. I could feel the warmth of his questioning, sky-blue gaze, and I sighed.

"Alright, just thinking," I lied, and Starspeckle looked at me for a while. I knew that if he looked for too long, I would crack.

Fortunately, he didn't, and we continued deeper into the forest.


I watched as Sorreltail writhed beneath Hawkfrost, an intense anger boiling within me. I longed to attack him, to defend her, but I knew that doing so would only perpetuate the cycle of clan conflicts. "Let her go, please," I pleaded, my voice filled with desperation. Hawkfrost glared at me, his eyes burning with fury. "Why should I? She will come with me to Leopardstar, and she will hear from your Firestar why his cats are trespassing on our territory. She will stay," he growled.

"Release her, mouse-brain," a deep, steady voice rang out, causing both Hawkfrost and me to turn. Starspeckle padded forward, his fur bristling and his tail held high, but his voice remained calm. Hawkfrost tensed up. "Starspeckle, what are you doing here?" he asked, attempting to sound composed, but I could see the rage seething within his eyes as he glanced at Starspeckle's unsheathed claws. He's angry, I thought, inwardly smiling. Hawkfrost has no idea what awaits him.

Hawkfrost's expression turned furious. "No, Starspeckle. I can't let this furball hunt a rabbit across our territory and cross our borders. Is she an apprentice or a warrior?" Starspeckle raised an eyebrow, his ears twitching. "She is a warrior, as far as I'm concerned. Let her go, or else you know that your pelt won't be the only thing staining this ground."

Hawkfrost trembles, and I see him release Sorreltail. "Of course, Starspeckle. I apologize," he says before swiftly running back into his own territory, casting one last bewildered glance at the red-and-white warrior before disappearing. Starspeckle approaches Sorreltail and helps her to her paws. "Are you okay?" he mews. The speckled warrior shakes her head. "I'm fine, thank you," she says before nodding farewell and walking away, leaving me alone with the young tom. "Let's go home," he mews. I nod, and we walk side by side back to camp.

Firestar meets us and nuzzles us, his green eyes filled with love and compassion as he licks his son's head. "Be careful, son. I don't want you getting into a fight with Hawkfrost. Remember, he's Brambleclaw's brother, and the last thing we need is that tabby on your tail," the ginger leader says.

Starspeckle snorts but licks his father's shoulder before bidding me goodbye and walking away. I watch him go, and then I hear Firestar say, "You like him, don't you?" I startle and hiss back, "What? No, of course not!"

Firestar raises an eyebrow and shakes his ears. "Whatever you say, Leafpaw, but take it up with Cinderpelt, not me. She's your mentor," he says before heading towards his den. I sigh and look down at my paws. Can I really love a warrior? I mean, he's from my own clan, but I'm an apprentice destined to become a medicine cat. I can't fall in love! Or can I? But then I turn around and make my way to Cinderpelt's den, seeing her gray fur as she rests with her blue eyes closed. I smile and approach her, nuzzling her before going to my own nest and drifting off to sleep, filled with stars.

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