Chapter 4

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"I've sensed panic over in WindClan territory. Their scent marks on the border are filled with fear."


At Firestar's yowl of command, Brackenfur and the gray ShadowClanwarrior broke apart. Graystripe looked up from the tabby, butstill kept a paw firmly on his neck. 

"Silence!" commanded Firestar. "We're not here to fight." Graystripe hissed in response, "It's hard to do anything else when they're pouncing on us like that." He withdrew, and the thin tabby rose to her paws, shaking off her disheveled fur.

Leafpaw leaped over the marsh and stood beside Cinderpaw, half afraid that Russetfur might still attack the medicine cat. ShadowClan's deputy was unlikely to take orders from the leader of a rival Clan.

Russetfur wagged her tail towards the dark gray cat. "Cedarheart, get back to camp. Warn Blackstar that we've been invaded and fetch more warriors."

The gray warrior darted into the bushes. "It's not necessary," Firestar pointed out in a gentle tone. "We're not invading your territory, and we're not trying to steal prey."

"Well, what do you want, then?" Russetfur asked angrily. "What are we supposed to think when you intrude on our territory?"

"I'm sorry." Firestar jumped down from the tree stump and paddled over to her. "I... I know we shouldn't be here. It's just that I need to speak with Blackstar. Something urgent has come up, and we can't wait until the next Gathering."

Russetfur snorted in disbelief but sheathed her claws. Leafpaw felt her heart slow down. ShadowClan's deputy was too outnumbered to attack again, especially since she had sent away the gray tom, Cedarheart.

"Why the hurry, then?" she growled.

Firestar gestured with his tail through the sparse trees, towards the destruction left by the Twoleg monster on this side of Thunderpath. "Isn't that enough?" he pleaded.

Russetfur silenced him with a furious hiss. "If you think ShadowClan is weakened..."

"I never said that," protested Firestar. "But surely you must have seen that we've been facing the same problems in our territory. So... are you going to drive us away, or will you let us speak with Blackstar? Blackstar?"

Russetfur widened her eyes and nodded briefly. "Alright, fine. Follow me."

She led the way through the bushes. ThunderClan cats gathered behind her, and the tabby-colored ShadowClan warrior followed suit. Leafpaw's heart started pounding again as the scents of the unfamiliar territory wafted around her.

Even the daylight seemed to grow darker, the clouds covering the sun, casting their path in shadow. She tried to stop herself from jumping at every sound or constantly scanning her surroundings as if there might be a ShadowClan warrior lurking behind every tree.

Soon, Leafpaw became aware of a stronger ShadowClan scent up ahead. Russetfur guided them around a cluster of thick hazel trees; Leafpaw followed, coming to a stop in front of a line of cats—emaciated warriors with tense muscles and the glint of battle in their eyes. Behind them rose a tangled wall of undergrowth.

"That's ShadowClan's camp," whispered Cinderpaw close to Leafpaw's ear. "Doesn't look like Blackstar will invite us in."

ShadowClan's leader stood in the midst of his warriors. He was a massive, white cat with black paws, his fur bearing the marks of many battles. As the ThunderClan cats appeared, he stepped forward and gazed at Firestar with narrowed eyes.

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