Chapter 17

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Starspeckle's POV

A few moons had passed since I vanquished Sharptooth, the menacing enemy. I had been coping as best as possible, the shock lingering, casting a tall shadow over my spirit. However, catching sight of my Dragon ally brought forth a revelation: I possessed a strength within me that I had underestimated—a dormant warrior's spirit waiting to be unleashed.

"Hey, would you like to join me on a hunting expedition?" Stormfur purred, approaching me with his tail held high. I surveyed our surroundings, observing our slumbering comrades nestled in a circular formation around me for reasons unknown.

Stormfur had just abandoned his resting place near a thicket of nettles.

I nodded in response to the gray tom's invitation, and we departed from the circle, venturing deeper into the rugged forest that enveloped us. While we had distanced ourselves considerably from the towering mountain, weariness weighed heavily upon me, and any scratches I may have sustained throbbed akin to salt searing against a wound.

Nevertheless, it wasn't long before we stumbled upon a spot where I could, in a sense, since the earth's heartbeat and discern the faint breath of every small creature beneath my paw pads. A surge of exhilaration coursed through me, and a smile graced my muzzle as I swiftly pounced upon a plump vole, its capture confirmed by the taste of success filling my jaws. As I turned to face Stormfur, I detected something flickering within his gaze. Could it be... love? The thought flashed, causing my tail to straighten with newfound confidence. We locked eyes, our gaze lingering for what felt like an eternity.

None of us desired to disrupt the tender moment, but our attention was abruptly seized by the shrill cry of a she-cat piercing the air, causing Stormfur and me to pivot our heads in unison swiftly. "Squirrelpaw!" Stormfur exclaimed, urgency lacing his voice. Without hesitation, we raced back towards our sleeping haven, only to find Squirrelpaw whirling about with wide eyes, her ears twitching and tail lashing furiously.

At that moment, I dropped the vole I had caught and approached her, gently placing the tip of my tail upon her shoulder. However, startled, she hissed and slapped me across the face with her paw. I let out a yowl, recoiling and shaking my head. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" she gasped, remorse evident. I blinked at her, offering reassurance. "It's fine, just remember not to spin in circles next time," I meowed, lifting a paw to lick it clean and then wiping it over my face, ensuring no debris lingered near my eyes.

It wasn't that Squirrelpaw was flighty; I wished to avoid any grit or sand finding its way into my sensitive gaze.

As I finished cleaning myself, my attention was drawn to Brambleclaw, who glared at me, or more precisely, at Stormfur. "What were you thinking, taking him away like that?!" the tabby warrior hissed, his voice filled with anger. Stormfur's neck fur bristled in response. "I simply wanted to take him on a hunt," he snapped. Brambleclaw spat on the ground and unsheathed his claws. "You could've both gotten hurt," he growled.

Reacting swiftly, I positioned myself between them, hissing vehemently at both warriors, causing them to flinch as my fur fluffed up and my tail stood erect. "Stop it!" I snarled. "You two won't get us home if you start fighting. And where is Crowpaw anyway?" The words spilled from my mouth instinctively, without conscious thought, as my instincts kicked into high gear, my Dragon companion sensing a growing danger.

Indeed, it was true. The sleek black warrior, Crowpaw, was nowhere to be seen. His scent lingered faintly in the air. "I saw him... leaving," Tawnypelt meowed, her voice trailing off as her gaze fixed upon the spot where the WindClan warrior had rested the night before, near a cluster of marigolds.

No... I thought, my heart sinking as I sniffed where Crowpaw's scent led. The trail meandered here and there, growing fainter with each passing moment. Determination surged through me as I spoke to my friends and siblings, a firmness in my voice. "Stay here, do not move. Try to search for him as well, but return after an hour or two, understood?"

"Yes, Starspeckle," they all echoed in unison. With a puff of smoke, I swiftly sprinted away, following the trail of Crowpaw. It wasn't long before I discovered him, quite a distance from our previous location, lapping at a crystal-clear pool shielded by ferns and night flowers.

A sense of relief washed over me, and I took a deep breath. "Crowpaw, you scared me," I exclaimed, my voice filled with worry and relief. The sleek black warrior lifted his head, and my heart lurched at the sight of his sad gaze.

"Did I really?" he murmured, his words barely audible. What had happened to him? I wondered, perplexed. This was not the headstrong, prickly warrior from WindClan that I had come to know.

Stunned by Crowpaw's confession, I stood there, reeling to process his words. I gently touched my muzzle to his, seeking to convey my support and understanding. "Crowpaw, I don't fully comprehend what's happening, but you mean more to me than you realize. It doesn't matter that you're a WindClan warrior; you're still my friend."

Crowpaw appeared both comforted and agitated, his emotions conflicting within him. "What if I don't just want to be your friend? What if I want to be something more?" he hissed, his frustration evident. I took a step back, taken aback by his words. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice laced with confusion.

Crowpaw pressed his muzzle against my face, our noses mere inches apart. "Don't you see? I love you, Starspeckle. I've felt this way since I saw you at a gathering not too long ago. I thought I was foolish that StarClan was toying with me. I can't love a tom, especially not from another Clan. So, I distanced myself and tried to stay clear of you. But now, on this journey together, and after seeing you almost lose your life, I can't deny it anymore..." Crowpaw's voice trailed off.

I was overwhelmed with emotions, a mix of sadness, surprise, and uncertainty. Did Crowpaw truly love me? How could this be?

I stood there, my heart aching as Crowpaw spoke, convinced my feelings wouldn't be reciprocated. "I understand that you don't think I feel the same way, and you're right; you don't have to worry about it. I just wanted you to know since I have no chance anyway," he murmured before returning to the tranquil pond. "You'd better go; the others are surely worried."

I gazed at him, feeling torn and conflicted, wanting to make him understand that there might be a glimmer of hope. This couldn't be happening, could it? The love between us?

"I... I can't just leave. Yes, I need to return to the others but come with me, Crowpaw. They'll be fretting over us," I managed to say, my voice trembling with uncertainty. I slowly backed away, hoping he would perceive my unspoken plea and follow my lead.

After a moment or two of staring into the water, Crowpaw finally moved, brushing past me and disappearing into the nearby bushes. Taking a deep breath, I followed suit, my heart pounding in my chest, as we embarked on a path that held an uncertain future for both of us.

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