Chapter 16

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Leafpaw's POV

A cold raindrop splashed on me, and I shook it off while growling to myself. Above me, the wind rustled through the trees, and leaf-bare was barely a moon away. "Hey, Leafpaw, come here," my mentor Cinderpelt eowed, and I turned towards the gray she-cat.

"What is it, Cinderpelt  I asked as I approached her. She rubbed her muzzle against mine and brushed me with her tail. "Barkface told me that cats who had eaten rabbits fell ill, and Twolegs must have done something to the prey."

I jerked in surprise. It couldn't be good, I thought, and swatted her tail, where it seemed my mentor understood my unease, and she smiled gently. "Don't be afraid, I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of how they store the rabbits and other fresh prey," she meowed.

I nodded to her and walked away from the medicine den to the pile of fresh-kill where I could see Firestar and his patrol returning.

The red-furred tom walked alongside his mate, Mistyheart towards Cinderpelt's den, and I heard them exchange a few words.

I was certain the two of them were worried about the lack of prey, and I shuddered. It wasn't good for any of us, and I had a feeling that the forest would perish if our heroes didn't return soon.

"Hey, Leafpaw," a voice meowed, and I saw Mistyheart trotting towards me.

I lifted my head and then lowered it as my deputy approached. "I want you to come with me to the Moonstone tonight. Cinderpelt and I agreed on it. It's time we get some answers from StarClan," she said. I stared at her with wide eyes. It was the first time Misttyheart showed doubt about the ancestors.

Pull yourself together! I hissed to myself. She didn't openly say it to you, and you can't assume things about her. To respond aloud, I nodded and said, "Should we go and fetch some traveling herbs then?" Mistyheart smiled and pressed her nose against mine. "Starspeckle is lucky  to have you and your sister as friends," she murmured, then she paddled away and flicked her tail, signaling for me to follow.

I followed along, and as I did, I started to ponder what she could mean by that: "Starpseckle is glad to have you and your sister as friends?" Did she think there was something more between us? I did have a slight crush on the red-and-white tom, but I knew my sister felt the same way.

I could feel it every day because of our connection.

I'm sure there's no need to dwell on it too much,
I thought. Mistyfoot often says those kinds of things, expressing her pride in us and such.

I entered the medicine den, grabbed the bundle of traveling herbs, and swallowed them.

As soon as I finished, Mistyfoot and I walked away from camp.

Once we were outside, I began to wonder why Mistyfoot wanted to accompany me in the first place. I looked up at the white she-cat with her fluffy tail sticking up, her ears twitching and flicking as if she were listening for something.

I knew she was worried about her sons and daughters, but what about me? And Squirrelpaw? What had we done?

Soon, we reached the border of WindClan and swiftly made our way towards the Moonstone. But just as we were about to enter the area where it lay, a shriek of rage echoed through the hills. We both stopped, spun around, and came face to face with a patrol from WindClan.

Oh no, I thought, feeling my claws loosen. This was definitely not what I needed on this soggy, gray day.


"What are you two doing here?" Mudfur growled, his fur bristling.

I looked at Mistyheart, who seemed much calmer than I thought possible for such a strong cat.

"We're just passing through, Mudfur. There's no need to get all worked up," she meowed, lowering her head towards the WindClan deputy. "Now if you'll excuse us," she said, waving her tail for me to follow. I did so, keeping my head low and avoiding eye contact with any of the cats we passed.

But even as we walked away, I could feel the burning gaze of the brown cat on my back, but I kept going until we reached the safety of Mothermouth.

"How are you?" Mistyheart immediately meowed as we stepped into the enveloping darkness of the tunnel. I stared at her, barely able to see her in the dim light. "Uh... I'm fine, thank you," I answered, shaken by her sudden concern. While she was a kind deputy and did walk around camp now and then, we didn't really talk. Squirrelpaw was more into Starpseckle than I was and was closer friends with his sisters.

I just kept to the back as much as I could.

"You know, you don't have to feel like you have to bow to me, Leafpaw. I'm just as normal as any cat," Mistyheart said softly as we both stepped into the cavern where the moonstone glinted, looking as beautiful as always. "I know," I breathed as I laid down, tucking my paws under me and touched my nose to the cool, hard surface of the stone.

And I was enveloped in dreams.


"Leafpaw," whispered the ethereal voice of Spottedleaf, her presence shimmering before me. I scrambled to my paws, fully alert, as I gazed at the wise and gentle former medicine cat.

"What message do you bring from StarClan, Spottedleaf?" I asked, my voice tinged with both reverence and curiosity. Spottedleaf's eyes sparkled with ancient wisdom as she spoke.

"You are plagued by self-doubt, young warrior. But Mistyheart sees the potential within you, the fire that burns beneath your paws," she murmured, her voice carrying the weight of moons of knowledge.

I blinked, trying to comprehend her words. "Should I learn to embrace the praise given to me?" I questioned, seeking clarity. Spottedleaf's nod held the assurance of a thousand pawsteps. "Indeed, young one. Each of us possesses hidden beauty, and it is not boastful to recognize it within yourself. Acknowledge your worth, for you are destined for greatness."

As I reached out a paw to grasp onto the fading image of Spottedleaf, desperation filled my heart. "Please, don't leave me," I pleaded, but her form dissolved into stardust, slipping away from my grasp.

With her parting words echoing in my mind, I awoke from the dream, a renewed sense of purpose burning within me.


As the first rays of dawn embraced us, Mistyheart and I emerged from the sacred cavern, our noses touching in a gesture of shared understanding. Her eyes shimmered with a gentle fire, guiding me towards acceptance and self-belief.

"It seems we both received the same message from StarClan," she purred, her voice a soothing melody. I nodded, unable to find the words to express the mix of emotions swirling within me.

My mentor's words carried a weight I had never fully comprehended before. I had always felt overshadowed, believing myself to be merely a healer and not a true warrior. But Mistyheart's unwavering faith in me ignited a flicker of hope in my heart.

With each step we took, her words echoed in my ears, resonating with a newfound strength. "Leafpaw, you are destined for greatness. You are more than you realize." Her encouragement wrapped around me like a warm breeze, dispelling my lingering doubts.

I recalled the words of my mother, Sandstorm, who had instilled in me a belief in my own worth. But it was only now, guided by Mistyheart's unwavering support, that I began to understand the depth of those words.

As we walked side by side, I absorbed her wisdom, allowing it to seep into my core. The journey ahead was still uncertain, but I carried within me a newfound sense of purpose and the understanding that my path held significance beyond what I had ever imagined.

"Thank you, Mistyheart," I whispered, my voice filled with gratitude and determination. "I will remember. I will embrace my true potential." And together, we continued our journey, ready to face the challenges that awaited us with newfound strength and belief in ourselves.

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