Chapter 18

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Leafpaw's POV

I stared as some elders carried the body of Dappletail for burial, my eyes filled with sorrow. "She was a great cat," mewed Cinderpelt beside me. I nodded and lowered my head. Suddenly, I heard the sound of paws and looked up into Misytheart's warm blue eyes. "Do you mind if I borrow her for a while?" She mewed to Cinderpelt, who shook her head, touched her tail on my shoulder, and entered the medicine den.

"Do you want to go to WindClan and talk to Tallstar now?" Misytheart asked, turning towards me. "Maybe the old leader can change his mind if he sees what I'm capable of." I nodded, but I was nervous and flattened my ears back. "Are you sure it's safe?" I asked, looking around for Firestar or any cat who could convince Misytheart to do something else. The white warrior snorted and waved me to follow her. I trailed after her slowly. "Sure, he knows I'm dangerous, but he hasn't seen what I can do yet. We'll have a private conversation with him, nothing more. I don't want the Clans to be in upheaval when my kits come back," she said.

I shook my head without saying anything and followed the deputy out of ThunderClan territory without any trouble. Soon, we crossed into ShadowClan territory and made our way into WindClan.

"Stop!" shouted a deep, raspy voice, and we turned to see Mudfur. He seemed surprised to see us and perhaps a bit frightened. "What are you doing here again? The Moonstone, is it?" he snapped, and I looked up to see Misytheart staring at him calmly but with fiery blue eyes. "I want to speak with Tallstar about this strange behavior he's showing us. We need to work together to drive the Twolegs away. We must leave," she said.

Okay, that wasn't what I thought we wanted to talk to Tallstar about. We wanted to discuss something else. Mudfur snorted. "WindClan can manage on its own, thank you very much. ThunderClan should worry about its territory," he said.

At that moment, I thought Mistyheart was about to attack the brown tabby cat, but she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and opened them again, displaying a polite smile toward the cat. "Of course, okay. Just stop me, a ThunderClan deputy, from talking to your leader about our lives. Yes, go ahead," she said. I knew she was slowly losing her composure, and Mudfur had to back down or... well, backing down would be the best course of action.

Mudfur growled and flicked his tail. His warriors began to circle us, and I retreated closer to Mistyheart, who stared calmly at Mudfur. "You have a choice, Mudfur. Let us pass into WindClan so we can speak with Tallstar or become like Tornear instead," she said through gritted teeth.

"I don't mind attacking a pretty she-cat who doesn't belong here," Mudfur growled, his fur bristling at the ends. "But if you truly think..." Before he could finish, a beam of light erupted from Mistyheart, and I had to turn around, howling in pain as the light seared my fur.

As my sight returned, I beheld Mistyheart transformed into a magnificent white lioness with blazing eyes. Her powerful jaws snapped at Mudfur, causing him to stumble back in fear. With a swift swipe of her paw, she tore his tail free, leaving him yowling in pain.

"You had your chance, furball, and now you and your warriors shall suffer the dragon's wrath!" the beast roared, holding Mudfur down. His warriors were too frightened to attack me or the creature restraining their leader. They all just sat there, frozen. "Who are you?!" Mudfur shouted, spitting out his anger. The beast grinned maniacally. "I am Mistyheart, and I am your worst nightmare. You offered me no shelter, and I offer you no mercy. Let WindClan burn for all I care," she snarled.

Oh no, no, no, this can't be happening! I thought.  Mistyheart was one of the most level-headed warriors in the Clan and a mother too. She wouldn't simply go around attacking other Clans. "Mistyheart!" I cried out, and the dragon turned her gaze toward me, her eyes softening. "Return to camp, young one. Inform Firestar that the dragon is unleashed, and tell him I have ceased hiding," she said. Then, she turned back to Mudfur, and in the blink of an eye, the cat was swiped away, his form disappearing into the distance, leaving behind only scattered fur and a sense of dread.

And I ran.

Harder than I have ever done in my entire life.

Warriors #3: Moonrise ✓Where stories live. Discover now