Chapter 2

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"The signs from StarClan are not clear. I see a time of great danger and change for the forest. A terrible doom hangs over us all."


Leafpaw wrinkled her nose in disgust at the foul scent that emanated from the tick-infested fur of Sorreltail. She tried her best to control her disgust as she gently parted the tortoiseshell she-cat's hair with one paw, revealing the bloodsucking parasite clinging to her shoulder. Quickly, she dabbed the wad of moss soaked in bile onto the tick, hoping to dislodge it.

Sorreltail squirmed as she felt the bile soak through her fur. "That's better!" she exclaimed. "Has it gone yet?"

Leafpaw opened her mouth and dropped the twig she had been holding. "Give it time," she advised, her voice tinged with reassurance.

"There's only one good thing about ticks," Sorreltail commented, a touch of humor in her voice. "They hate mouse bile just as much as we do." Springing to her paws, she gave herself a vigorous shake, effectively flicking the tick off her shoulder. "There! Thanks, Leafpaw."

A gentle breeze rustled through the trees surrounding the medicine cat's den, causing a few leaves to drift down. The chill in the morning air served as a reminder to Leafpaw that Leaf-bare was fast approaching. This time, they would face more than just the cold and shortage of prey.

It pained Leafpaw to think about her sister, Squirrelflight, being out there somewhere. However, she knew Squirrelflight was safe, and the clan leaders had no reason to worry. But at the same time, Leafpaw was aware of the grave situation involving Firestar's son, Star-speckle. She had heard from Squirrelpaw that the young tom had experienced a seizure-like episode. Leafpaw desperately wanted to be there to help, but she had her Clan to take care of, and nothing was more important than that.

She had also decided not to inform Firestar about the specific incident involving his son. She knew that Firestar would be worried if he knew the extent of Star-speckle's pain.

"Are you okay, Leafpaw?" Sorreltail meowed, concern etched in her voice.

Leafpaw blinked, shaking off the lingering images of destruction and turmoil that had clouded her thoughts. The vivid scenes of smoke, splintered trees, and shrieking cats faded away, replaced by the familiar sight of soft green ferns and the smooth gray rock where Cinderpelt made her den. ThunderClan was still here, safe for now — but for how long? She took a moment to gather herself before responding, her voice steady, "Yes, I'm fine."

Firestar had instructed the patrol to remain silent about what they had witnessed until he had decided how to break the news to the Clan. Leafpaw understood the weight of the secret they carried. "I've got to go and wash this mouse bile off my paws," she continued, her tone holding a sense of purpose.

Sorreltail offered her company, suggesting they wash up together and then hunt along the ravine to gather fresh kill. Leafpaw appreciated the gesture, feeling a glimmer of normalcy in Sorreltail's words.

Leading the way into the central clearing, Leafpaw took in the scene before her. Whitepaw and Shrewpaw engaged in a lively scuffle outside the apprentices' den, basking in the warm rays of early morning sunlight. Ferncloud's three kits observed the playfulness with wide, adoring eyes. At the same time, their mother sat at the entrance to the nursery, meticulously grooming herself while keeping a watchful eye on her litter.

The dawn patrol, consisting of Dustpelt, Mousefur, and Spiderpaw, pushed into the clearing through the gorse tunnel. Dustpelt's eyes gleamed with delight as he caught sight of Ferncloud and her kits. Leafpaw surveyed the bustling and seemingly peaceful camp, struggling to contain a wail of despair that threatened to escape her.

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