Twenty-Three: Gabriel

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I can’t sleep, I think. I haven’t even changed. I just stayed in yesterday’s outfit, and flopped back onto the silky, soft, red bed.

I had been up for god knows how long.

I stood up.

And in a instant, I remember what Izak had told me.

“Don’t do too much of anything—you don’t want to undo your stitches.”

I huff. Whatever, I think.

I head out of the room and enter the living room.

Sleeping on the couch, instead of the room she was given, was Ana.

Ana is curled up into ball; clearly waiting for Irina to come back.

If I liked Irina the way Ana did, I would be worried too.

But knowing Irina, she’s probably doing just fine.

Maximoff wouldn’t do anything to her. He wouldn’t hurt his niece that’s oh so dear to him.

I leave the house, making sure to close the door after I exit.

I let the cold air hit my face.

It actually feels kinda refreshing.

I shove my hands in my jacket pockets.

It’s still a shame blood that got spattered all of over my only jacket.

I still have the make-up that Sam applied on. I honestly had forgot it was there.

It feels like I have all this pent-up energy inside.

I think to myself, Maybe a run will tire me.

So that’s actually what I do.

I start at a speed walk. Then a jog. Then I run. Finally, I sprint.

I usually run to put my thoughts in order.

First of all, did I seriously tell Samantha ‘Talks A Lot’ Yakivev that I had a crush on her twin brother? Yep. Time to panic.

I keep running. Even though it’s to the point that my chest hurts, I don’t stop. I’m not quite done putting my affairs in order.

I have to push that thought aside.

But in doing so, others rush to my head.

Memories of my parents and Hayden rush to my head.

That catches me off guard.

I stumble, my ankle twisting in the process of the fall.

I sit, dazed, on the ground.

I rub aching head and I stand up.

Feeling defeated, I hobble back up toward the Satanist’s house and I sit down on the porch—because, I don’t feel tired quite yet.

I probably my twisted ankle up.

Just at that very moment, I hear rustling in the near by bushes.

“Who’s there?” My voice slightly quivers.

Oh god don’t let it be the Daskanalasć task force. Or worse yet...Maximoff.

“He’s heard us,” a voice says.

“Come out! I know you’re there!” I call out.


Four figures exit the brush.

They approach me.

“Why are you here?” I ask.

One with curly green hair says, “Long story.”

I sigh. “Have a seat.”

They all comply.

The girl says, “Thank you, Mr.-?”

“Vladimirov. Gabriel Vladimirov,” I tell them.

The girl smiles. “Nice to meet you, Gabe. I’m Johanna Schmarten-”

“Wait. The Johanna Schmarten that I heard about from Craig and Kyle?” I ask her, my eyebrows raised.

Johanna asks me, “You know Craig Romanov and Kyle Kozlov?”

I nod. “I do.”

Johanna takes in that bit of information.

“Are you going to continue to introduce me to your friends?” I question her.

Johanna nods. “Oh yeah.” She pauses for a second before continuing. “This is Kartir Keegan, Oko Martinez, and Laszlo Chang.”

“So how’d all this happen?” I ask.

Oko talks this time. “Johanna, Laz, and I were in the prison in sector one, for our “illnesses”. Kartir was a guard who helped us out. One guard, who was also an ex-friend of mine and Laz’s, Gregory, tried to catch us, but he only succeeded in shooting me in the leg. We’re all actually looking for a place to rest before we flee Daskanalasć.”

I smile. “Today’s your lucky day—you can stay with me.”

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