Thirty-Two: Gabriel

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The girl begins with, "My name is Katiya Pavlova Ivanova. I'm thirteen, soon to be fourteen. I am a lesbian."

She's just a kid.

I smile. "Hey, Katiya." Then I yell, "Obsidian! Sam! Jack! Ana! Kartir! Oko! Laz! Johanna! Mikah! Izak! Craig! Kyle! Leopold!"

Within minutes, we've all gathered in the living room.

When Kyle wheels out with Craig, they both seem surprised to see Johanna. But they don't say anything.

I ask, sweetly, "Katiya, Can you tell me about what the Daskanalasć task force is going to do?"

I see that Tyler is just awkwardly sitting out toward the corner.

Katiya nods. "Two guards named Uriah Wentz and Gregory Wheller are going to follow Oko's blood trail here. And not only are they going to execute Kartir, Tyler, Laszlo, Oko, and Johanna, but when they see all of us here, we'll all be on Daskanalasć's shit list." She pauses for a second. "Because, after all, practically all either prisoners or betraying Daskanalasć. Also, when I went to leave, Wheller and Wentz sent this boy named Oleg Wayanov after me. Luckily, I knocked him out but, he might me with them."

Obsidian quickly runs through the guard names quietly. "Wheller. Wentz. Wayanov."

I snort. "So, Maximoff wants the W Squad to attack us?"

Katiya nods. "Yeah, pretty much."

I take a breath. "Guys, I know some of us don't quite get along-" I give a glare toward Jack before continuing. "But, if we don't work together they'll try to take us all down. So, are you guys in?"

Everyone nods.

I smile. "Good." I turn back to Katiya. "So, what direction would they be coming from?"

"The north. That's were the prison is. They'd be heading from sector one," Katiya tells me. "It'll take them about twenty-eight minutes."

"Then we wait," I say.

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

The next twenty-eight minutes are silent.

We had shut all of the lights off.

We're planning to make it seem like we're not here.

But, since Maximoff passed the bill to have the task force receive the keys to each housing unit in Daskanalasć, they will still barge in.

And that's when we strike.

Then, there's the sound of foot steps in heading up toward the stairs toward us.

They're near.

We all freeze and gaze at each other.

I beckon for Kartir and Katiya to approach. Then I signal for everyone else to stay back.

"Is anyone even in there, Wheller?" a voice outside the door asks.

"Yeah. Martinez has to be here. That's where the blood trail leads, Wentz," the other says.

Wentz sighs. "Well, if you're so sure Wheller, I guess we can try this place."

Within moments they already head inside.

I signal Katiya.

She nods knowing what she's got to do.

She dives for the weaker one-Wheller. In other words, Katiya knocks Wheller over.

Wheller tumbles to the ground.

Katiya pins him to the ground by sitting on his chest.

Wentz goes to feel for his lackey.

But, strangely, Wheller doesn't seem to be there.

Wentz sounds slightly panicked. "Wheller? Wheller? Gregory? This isn't funny. Where are you?"

No answer to any of his questions or statements.


"Now," I mouth to Kartir.

Kartir tackles Wentz.

Obsidian turns on the lights.

"Surrender and we may spare you," I say.

Wentz growls and rolls out of Kartir's grasp.

But instead of going straight for Kartir, he lounges at me.

I jump out of the way, causing Wentz to hit his head on the wall.

Wentz rubs his aching head and then growls in pure anger. "You will pay for this..." He jumps at me.

I punch him right in the nose.

Wentz rubs his nose. Then he runs and swings at me.

I duck, allowing him to trip over me.

He hits the ground.

I laugh. "You're going to have to try harder than that, Uriah."

He goes to lounge at my legs, but then I kick him in the face.

Wentz falls backwards.

Back with Wheller, he's gasping for air.

"Katiya, get off Greg. He can't breathe," I command the girl.

Katiya pouts, "But he deserves this!"

"Yeah, he may deserve it, but we need to wait!"

Katiya sighs and gets off of Wheller.

Kartir and I corral the weak Wheller and Wentz out the door.

Wentz rasps, "We'll tell the Tsar! And Maximoff will be coming for you!"

Inside, I hear Ana snicker.

I ignore that.

I smirk. "And we'll be counting on that."

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