Twenty-Four: Obsidian

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       I lay in the bed that was rented out to me.

On the other side of the room, Sam snores.

Just because she’s my sister doesn’t mean I want to share a room with her.

I shift to face the other side of the room.

I try to pull the pillow in a way that covers my ears. But, it still doesn’t help.

What the hell, my mind thinks.

“Why is it so hard?” I ask myself.

“That’s what she said.”

I turn to see that Sam is up now. “Go back to sleep,” I command her.

Sam shrugs. “Okay. I will.” She flops out and is then out like a light.

How does she do that?, my mind asks.

“I don’t know,” I whisper.

I walk down the hallway.

I’m planning to ask Gabriel if I can sleep in his room tonight, because god knows I won’t get any sleep with Sam.

“Hey Gabe,” I begin as I peek around the corner of the door into his room.

I peer through the door way.

I stand on my tip-toes to get a better view—after all, I’m not the tallest person in the world.

Gabriel’s bed is empty.

Strange, I think once again.

I then continue down the hallway that drains into the living room.

Ana is still asleep on the couch.

Goddamn. I didn’t realize she missed Irina that much.

But I guess I can’t judge her. Her and Irina are just like me and Gabriel.

I hear the door open.

I turn.

Gabriel enters followed by four other people.

The blond one closes and locks the door behind them.

“Who’s that?” the girl whispers to Gabe beckoning toward Ana and I.

Gabriel tells her, “Those are my friends Ana Volkov and Obsidian Yakivev.”

I gaze at Gabriel. “I could as the same, Gabe. Who are they?”

My mind laughs, you sound like a jealous boyfriend.

Shut up!, I fire back.

Gabriel tells me, “Their names are Kartir, Johanna, Oko, and Laszlo. They’re just like us.”

I cross my arms. “How so?”

“Kartir is polysexual and nonbinary. Johanna is pansexual and a transgirl-” Gabe starts.

Gabriel continues, “Oko is asexual. And Laszlo is gay.”

I glance at Oko, who has a bullet in his leg and Laszlo, who looks like he’s gonna faint. I ask Gabe, “Do you want me to go get Izak to help them.”

Gabe says, “Yes please.”

I run down to Mikah and Izak’s room. I step inside and peer over the bed. “Izak,” I whisper.

He raises his head. “Huh? Is something wrong with Gabriel?”

I tell him, “There’s some more LGBTQ kids here. Two of them need medical attention.”

Mikah raises his head. “What?”

Izak rises from the bed. “You need to go back to sleep.”

“Make me,” Mikah taunts.

Izak laughs. “You asked for this.” He kisses Mikah on the lips.

My heart flutters happily at seeing how cute that was.

Mikah sighs as Izak pulls away. “Okay, I will.”

Izak smiles. “Good.”

Then, I lead Izak out to the living room.

Izak has Laszlo sit down. Then, he tries to clean Oko’s wound.

I turn to Gabriel. “So, are they going to be here just for medical attention?”

He shakes his head. “No. They’re staying with us.”

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