One: Obsidian

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The lights of the day start to fade. Not too much longer, I remind myself; in other words, my chores are close to perishing.

The sun and remaining clouds dance in the orange and purple sky.

I purse my lips. "Goddamn, that's beautiful," I mutter to myself as I'm preoccupied with the stunning sight that is a sunset before me.

My golden eyes are stuck on this slight -- it's like they're super glued. I can't take them away.

I've seen this sight countless times but this time it feels different.

"Looks like you're busy," a voice comments. It's followed by a laugh. "Too busy with staring at the sun. But hey, it's not my fault if you go blind."

I look down and see my pesky twin sister, Sam. "Hello, Sam. To what pleasure do I owe this visit?"

Sam shrugs. "I just felt like saying hey."

"Uh-huh," I say, unconvinced.

Sam chuckles, "It actually looks like you're doing your job this time."

I narrow my golden eyes. "What do you mean?"

Sam smiles, "At least you aren't busy staring at dudes again."

I get rather defensive. "I don't do that!"

My sister rolls her eyes. "Don't get so defensive, Obsidian."

I sigh. "Sorry. Just a little tense."

Sam clambers up beside me. "Why is that?"

I huff. "It's just the fact, of the test next week deciding everything about you. Your job, your house, your spouse."

"Oh," Sam begins. She begins to pat my back, "I'm sure you'll get everything you want."

My eyes grow wide. "Even a husband?"

Sam gawks at me. Her brown eyes are judgemental. "But that's the thing…-" she begins.

"What's the thing?" I question.

Sam rolls her tongue nervously. "That's the thing, Obsidian. You can't have a boyfriend or a husband for that matter."

"What?" I'm shocked and appalled. "Sam, what do you mean by that?"

Sam sighs. "As the older one-"

I butt in, "By eleven minutes-"

Sam rolls her eyes. "Yeah. By eleven minutes, but that still makes me older."

I roll my golden eyes. "Continue," I say.

"I need to protect you," Sam sighs, clearly upset. "I've helped down at the Tsar's office and I've read the rules."

I raise a raven colored eye brow. "Really?"

Sam nods. "Yeah."

"So what do the rules say?" I articulate, questioningly.

"This little phase could hurt you," she says.

"What?" In my mind I say, Sam, this isn't a phase.

"You can't like boys." Sam begins, "You're a boy. Boys can't like boys. They like girls. Okay? Do you got it?"

I nod. "Yeah." I do like boys though, I think.

Sam smiles. "Have a happy time finishing your chores. See you at home." Sam jumps down and dashes through the street.

I lean backward. "What the hell am I supposed to do?" I then sigh. "I might as well finish my chores." And by the time I'm done, the sun has set.

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

I head home to see a smiling face from my family.

My family asks things like, "How are you, Obsidian?" And other things like that.

Sam smiles at me. "Remember, say nothing about your little phase."

"Yeah...phase," I begin. I grow pale.

"Obsidian, you've gotten rather pale," my mother notes at the dinner table.

I bite my tongue.

My mother continues, "Are you feeling okay?"

I stand. "If it's okay with you, I'd like to be excused from the table and head to bed early."

My father nods. "Certainly."

I nod a bidding to them and head into my room. I lock my door and lean against it.

I have a panic attack. "What am I going to do?" Then, I cry.

My younger sister, Olislavia calls through the door, "Obsidian, are you okay?"

I call. "Yeah I'm fine."

Olislavia says, "Are you lying? It sounded like you were crying."

"No. I wasn't."

Olislavia answers, "Okay. Well, just know I'm always here for you." She leaves.

I sigh. "But if you knew what I am, you wouldn't be." I blink away some tears. "If I'm not normal, then what's wrong with me?"

The shadows welcome me as I cry softly again.

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