What is lost might be found

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It's been a while since I've seen the galaxy, so many stars and wide space ahead of us. I sit and watch as we pass many other planets, it will be a while before we reach the planet that might be holding my mother captive. To get to the planet Azeroth we would need to warp speed. It feels weird when you're on the ship and they put it into hyperdrive. I sit with Makeen and Lia and go over the plans. Lia and I would take out the guards at the front of the building and the warrior three would go in first and we would be their cover since we have magic.
After days of flying through space, we finally reached the planet. It gave me an eerie feeling because everything on this planet did not show life, except for the huge tower in front of me made of the strongest stone in the galaxy. There were huge guards at the front, and they had weapons, but that won't be a problem for Lia and I. I made myself invisible and used my magic to put him in a deep sleep and Lia used her vines to knock out the other guard. Although they had good fighting skills they were no match for Lia and her vines , very strong and hard to break.

We did the signal for the warrior three the coast is clear. We assumed there would be traps so I used my magic to put a force field around us, so we would not be hurt by the arrows and other traps that were in the hallway. I found the button to disable the traps. On the way up we see rooms, possibly where the other guards sleep. We kept going up because unlike another castle the prison is not at the bottom of the castle but at the top.

We reached the main research area but we remained cautious of our surroundings because the in this castle there weren't many guards found,so of course they are trying to trap us. I used my hologram to see what they would do but nothing happened all of a sudden someone came out. Laughing in the dark, Slyvie it's been so long since I've seen you. Your mother has been a wonderful guest well more like a prisoner although she fought back. Oh, why the long face, nothing happened to her, she's still in prison but I need her alive and your little tricks won't help her. Ive met your father a long time ago. We used to be friends til he betrayed me and well I wanted to take everything away from him starting with his wife and now I have his little girl.

He used his magic to disable the warrior Sif and Lia and the others. so I decided to use my snake venom against him a trick my father taught me when I was younger to disable him for a while, he never saw it coming.  While he lay unconscious I removed his spell from the others. We have no time you guys we have to move i shouted and we ran up the steps towards the dungeon.

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