Epilogue 1

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After graduation, I took a break from hero work for a little bit when I first got in and did my studies, after 4 four years I graduated and got a degree in science and worked in a lab as for Makeen and Is relationship we are living together still and we have a little girl, I got pregnant with her a year ago and her name is Emerald Sapphire slyvidottier- . Her hair is red and curly like her father but her eyes are like mine, I can't wait to see what she decides to do in the future whether it's to become a hero or find her own destiny. A mother wants the best for her child, so she will love her unconditionally and support what she does, as long as the path is right.  My daughter is not old enough to get her powers yet but with both strong parents I know she will succeed and I know she will go the right path, it's a matter of time.  As for my best friend, she is working with the Avengers while I take care of Emerald, though she does have a child she does have a boyfriend named Ned, you might recognize the name  if you guessed right it is Peter's friend, I had taken a break from hero work for a little bit, mostly because I got pregnant with my daughter and I needed the rest. I'm gonna go back to working with the Avengers in a few months but not every day though because my daughter comes first. When I'm working with the Avengers Makeen will be with Emmy at the bakery, we both co-own , the days I don't have superhero work and the days I don't work in the lab and to mention, I work with Dr Banner aka the Hulk. Good news about Peter and MJ. They got married and are planning to have children soon and I wish them the best of luck with their family and are happy for them. Can't wait to be an aunty, and I'm gonna spoil them  with Asgardian goodies. My Father and Mother are still in Asgard but come often to see their grandchild, I'm happy that they are happy and though my story seems finished there is still one left and a new beginning,

My name is Sylvie Lokidaughter, daughter of Loki and Resina and Granddaughter of Fregga and I have a little girl named Emerald her story is just starting and I know once she's old enough you will be able to hear her story and I'm sure it will be one worth listening too.

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