Episode 7

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You came back in your room after having dinner with them. You didn't look nor talk to anyone today, just spent the entire day in your room. You only came down to eat, and came back once you were done. Irene didn't speak about last night's incident as well, instead she offered
Iseul to sleep in her room tonight. Iseul was going back tomorrow morning and so she threw a fit and insisted on spending another night with Taehyung before she goes back but in the end, she ended up sleeping in Irene's room.


I came down for my breakfast and saw Irene alone in the dining hall. I sat beside her. "Eating alone?" I asked as I served myself some bacon and eggs. "Taehyung has gone to drop Iseul back to her house, I was waiting for you." She smiled and I replied back.

We silently ate our breakfast. "Are they...." I felt as if my words were stuck in my throat. Irene looked at me. "Yes?" I took a deep breath, staring at my plate, I asked. "Are they in a relationship?" She knew about whom I was talking about. She simply replied a "No" and continued having her breakfast. "Then why?" I asked, now looking at her. She sighed and kept her spoon on the empty plate before looking at me. "Everything can't be told at once Y/n." She stood up from her chair and started walking away from me. "I wanna go home." I whispered once she was out of the dining area.

I sure loved Taehyung but I couldn't sacrifice my life for him. I made my way towards the living room and grabbed the novel from the shelf. I had completed reading half of the book. The novel was based on a story of a young woman who knew nothing about the world outside. She grew up within the walls. And then one day she runs away from her house into the woods, and meets a man who completely changed her life. She was more happy with him. She felt loved when she was with him.

I sat on the couch and started reading the novel

•Author's POV•

You were so engrossed into the story that you were completely unaware of the person who sat beside you on the same couch. Even if you were aware of him, you didn't make it obvious.

"Honey" He spoke, looking at you who seemed so into the book but you actually weren't. Just moved your eyes from word to another while your mind was fixed on the man beside you.
"Look at me." He demanded, but you didn't budge until he grabbed that novel and threw it somewhere far in the living room causing it to make a loud sound which made you startled.

You looked at him with wide eyes while his eyes screamed rage. "I said look at me." He screamed while you stared at him in horror, your eyes still wide as if you had seen the most haunting thing in the world. He grabbed your jaw and pulled your face closer to his. Faces only inches apart. "When I say something, you have to obey me, get it?" He whispered, hot breath fanning your face and your eyes burned as warm tears started to flow down your cheeks. His hold on your jaw tightened when he didn't receive a reply from you, making you wince in pain.

"Get it?" He asked again, his voice more demanding and furious than before. You nodded as tears continued to flow from your eyes and he smiled looking at your state, his hold on your jaw loosened up and he grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him. He buried his face in your neck, your breath shook as his hot breath fanned your skin. Your palms rested on his shoulders, formed in a fist.

Suddenly, you felt your neck becoming wet. Is he crying?  You thought and decided to ask him. "T-Taehyung, are y-you-" He cut your sentence as he spoke. "Don't speak." You obeyed him while he continued to sob and sniff. You were in two minds. Whether you should hug him back or let him be.

You didn't know why he was crying. Your heart said to hug him while your mind screamed to push him away and yell at him for making your life so miserable.

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