Episode 8

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You let go of his hold on you and stood up from the couch. You didn't look at him but you were aware of his gaze on you. You made your way towards your bedroom without looking or uttering a word to him.

You closed the door behind you and dropped on your knees. You hated yourself at that moment for giving in. Your heart clenched as his words kept ringing in your head. "I'm sorry honey." After what he had done to you, you shouldn't even look at his face and yet you kissed him back. You should have pushed him away yet you pulled him close. You should have not gone near him yet you took him in your arms. You didn't know what the hell was wrong with you. You hated him yet you loved him. You were becoming insane. Insane for him. And that stressed you out. You needed to get away from him before things get out of hand. In order to save yourself, you had to leave him behind.

You pulled your hair in frustration, your hands shivered. You needed to get away, you just waited for the right time to escape.


You sighed in frustration as you tossed yourself on the other side of the bed. It was passed midnight and you still weren't sleepy. You gave up attempting to fall asleep and sat on the bed.

Today's day was just the usual. After coming back  from the intense moment with Taehyung, you didn't come downstairs except for dinner. There was nothing special in this room but it made you feel safe, from him.

You thought maybe reading could help you fall asleep, so you got up from the bed and made your way towards the door. You twisted the knob open and stepped out of your bedroom. It was pitch dark. Just a faint moonlight seeped inside from the small window.

You made your way downstairs with the help of the railings for support so you don't trip. The house was silent. Almost too silent that you could hear the sound of crickets and owl from outside. The silence kind of made you uncomfortable but you shrugged off the unnecessary thoughts and walked in the living room.

You looked around and found the novel still lying on the floor where Taehyung had thrown it. You walked towards it and grabbed the book when a deep voice stopped you.

"What are you doing here?" You stopped your actions and stood still, clutching on the novel so tight that you could feel the book getting pressed against your palms.

You didn't look behind as you had no courage to face him. You heard slow footsteps approaching you from behind and your heart sped up from each step he took. "Turn around." He demanded and with a palpitating heart, you slowly turned around towards him. You didn't face him, instead your gaze was fixed on the floor. "I asked you something honey. What are you doing here?" He questioned again, this time his voice more deeper than before as his gaze was fixed on you who stared at the floor. He groaned when he didn't get any reply from you and you started trembling infront of him.

"I-I...c..came h-here to take t-the n..novel." You horribly stuttered as you answered but gasped when he started taking steps towards you, making you walk backwards. Your blood ran cold when your back hit the wall. You closed your eyes tightly when you felt his hot breath on your face and you felt the heat radiating from his body, that's how close he was. You tried to run away from the other side but he grabbed your wrist and slammed you against the wall, pinning while you wince in pain.

"You cannot get away from me honey, never." He whispered in your ear and kissed your earlobe while you closed your eyes shut at his pathetic actions. His hot breath fanned your neck making the hair on your body rise up. You shivered when you felt his lips sucking on your neck. You tried to free your hands from his grip but it only tightened. There was no use protesting against him, he was much stronger as compared to your strength.

You closed your eyes as warm tears began to flow down your cheeks while he continued to do his sinful tortures on you.

You wanted to hate this feeling. He made you weak under his touches, and you hated the fact. No matter how desperately your body needed him, wanted him, his touch, but you knew this was not right. And so you pushed him away with all the strength you had. Tears never stopped flowing as you stared at him, panting. You felt chills down your spine when you met his furious eyes. He breathed heavily as he glared at you in rage but that was the least you cared for.

You harshly wiped your tears with the back of your palm. "Who gave you the fucking right to push me away you slut." He stomped towards you but halted his steps when you screamed at him. "You need help Taehyung, you're fucking sick!" You let out a loud, choked sob and continued. "And I'm not a fucking slut! I don't sleep with another person when I'm completely aware that I'm married and have a fucking husband who doesn't give a shit about me! The actual whore is you who likes to get between another woman's legs when you know you have a wife-"

Your face turned to the right side and you felt a stinging pain on your cheek. He slapped you. You stared at him with your teary eyes in complete shock. His eyes held nothing but emptiness. Not a single emotion but darkness in them. "Fucking bipolar-" You screamed when he grabbed your hair and pulled your face so close to his that you could feel his breath on your face.

"That mouth of yours works alot these days, it's better to give it a little rest, don't ya think darling?" He asked against your lips and you trembled. His voice as deep and scary as the ocean while he stared at your teary, red eyes.

He dragged you out of the living room through your hair and you screamed because of the immense pain. He dragged you through the stairs which led down, your eyes widened when you realised where exactly was he taking you.
Basement. He threw you on the cold floor and you yelped when your knees came in contact with the hard floor. Your eyes glistened with tears as you tightly pressed your palms on your knees to reduce the pain. He grabbed your hair again and made you stand up, facing him.  "You got some guts hm? Let's see how long would you be brave." He harshly made you sit on the old chair and tied you up. He banged your wrists on the chair's arms making you let out a small scream. You tried to protest against him but it was of no use. He was way stronger than you.

He proudly stared at your face as he stood up from the floor. Your hands and legs were tied up to the chair making it impossible for you to even move a muscle. Your gaze was on the floor, your cheeks were damp due to the tears shredded, and your eyes were dry. No tears were left behind your eyes. You were tired, tired of all the happenings around you.

"Look at me." He demanded but you were too exhausted to even look up at him. He harshly grabbed your jaw and made you look at him. A thick strand of tear rolled down from your eyes when you faced him. The man who was the cause of your despairs. The man who completely ruined you, your life. Your eyes red as rage started to fill in you and with a shaky voice, you spoke up.

"Die already." Your voice as good as inaudible. And you could see how his eyes darkened as he stared at you.

"It's better to die a man than live a monster."

To be continued

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