Episode 19

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Her stomach churned when her eyes met his dominating ones. Her heart was hammering inside her chest and she broke into cold sweats. Her body automatically reacted itself and she backed away from him, dragging herself away from him. Her eyes grew impossibly wider. Her eyes transfixed with horror, unable to look away from him no matter how much ever she wished to.  She felt her blood drain from her face and an icy current went up and down her spine when she saw him take his predator steps towards her. He still had that malicious smile on his face.

He had a shallow smile with deep piercing eyes and evil mind. He knelt down infront of her, making every ounce of her body scream in terror. He caressed her cheeks, tilting his head while his eyes never left her teary ones. He drew circles on her cheeks with his fingertips and her heart rate increased when he opened his mouth to speak. "You've become quite brave, huh?" He chuckled slowly and took a deep breath, making her tears roll down in fear of what he would do to her next.

"Aww, stop with those tears now, my love. They won't work on me." He whispered the last sentence near her ear, making goosebumps rise and she unknowingly released a sob which made him look at her with a proud smile on his face.

"I knew you would come here. There's a surprise waiting for you, darling." He caressed her cheek one last time and stood up. What was the surprise? It sure wouldn't be something pleasent, she knew that. And that made her palms sweaty in terror knowing this man could do anything. As she had once told, even the most unpleasant thing was beautiful in his eyes.

She looked up at him and saw his extended hand for her to hold. She was hesitant but rejecting him would only lead her into more trouble than she already was in. With shaking hand, she got a hold of his palm and he pulled her up forcefully, making her gasp. She looked at him and noticed that he already had his eyes on her which made her drop her gaze on the dusty floor. She was startled when he patted her head but she dared not look up at him and maintained her gaze down.

He slowly walked away from her and she exhaled the breath she had been holding since quite a while. His presence was killing her in a way she couldn't describe. Now that he had found her, she had no idea what would he do to her. One thing was crystal clear. He wouldn't spare her this time. Atleast not after what she had done. Running away from him was sheer madness, knowing that he would find her even if she was in the depths of the earth. But it was not her fault. She was desperate for freedom.
Desperate to get away from him, forever.

She stared infront of her when she heard a noise. It felt as if someone was dragging a chair towards her. Goosebumps arose within her skin when he came closer, making his face clearer than before but what she witnessed next caused the ground to slip off from her feet. He dragged the chair so that she could get a clear view of it and she immediately stepped back horror struck into the furthest corner of the room. On the chair sat Iseul, staring at her with emotionless eyes. She was pale to the point of being near blue, darker blue around the lips, stiff eyes which stared directly into her soul and a slightly bloated appearance.

Her eyes burnt with tears and her mind went completely blank. Taehyung pulled Iseul's hair and she could get a more clearer view of her. She wasn't in a state to feel anything except stare at the corpse infront of her who stared back. Her hands were tied with thick robes and so were her legs. Her arms were scratched as if someone had deliberately done that to her. And Y/n clearly knew who was that 'someone'. Her face had blood stains and her empty eyes made her look 10x more scarier than she already looked.

"Come here darling. Get a closer look at her." The way he called her as if he wanted to show her the most beautiful thing. She stared at the corpse, unable to utter words from her mouth. She felt Taehyung coming closer to her but she didn't look anywhere except the corpse. Even though she wanted to look away but she felt like her mind gave up. She stood frozen on her spot, unable to move or speak anything. She slowly blinked away her tears and trailed her eyes at Taehyung who already had his eyes on her which made her soul shudder in terror.

Her knees were getting weak and she got goosebumps all over her skin when Taehyung took a step towards her, still holding the corpse's hair. She wanted to walk backwards but her feet were stuck to the ground. It felt as if her legs were completely paralysed and she was unable to keep herself steady. Her head felt foggy and she was unable to think straight, her mind refused to focus on anything.

"Are you afraid, dear?" He asked with a chuckle which made her soul tremble. Ofcourse she was scared. Not of the corpse but of him. She was afraid of him so much that even his gaze was enough to make her soul shiver. "Are you?" He asked again and tilted his head, staring deeper into her soul. Not answering him would be her own stupidity so gathering all her courage, she managed to let out a small nod and a venomous smirk appeared on his lips.

"Isn't she the one who got in between us, love?" He asked, gazing down at the corpse and he pulled her hair back with more force, making her gaze at the chapped ceiling. Y/n let out a quiet relived sigh knowing that she was no longer in the watchful eyes of the dead corpse. He let go of her hair and now took his steps towards Y/n. Fear engulfed her when she looked into his eyes which held not a hint of emotions. Just blank. It was next to impossible to predict what would he do next and that was Y/n's biggest fear.

He stood a few feets away from her while his eyes pierced her soul with his heart clenching stares. "If it wasn't for her to seduce me, I wouldn't have laid my eyes on her, love." His voice dropped down and he spoke in a tone which almost made her belive him. But she got a hold of herself because she knew this would be one of his traps. It had to be one of his traps. "Irene must have told you that she was my cousin, I'm sure." He spoke with a deep chuckle and took a step forward making her take a step back. Fear was obvious on her face and he felt so proud that it could be evident on his face. "Oh love, she is one of my dolls. Or should I say was one of my dolls?" He raised his eyebrow and the nefarious smirk never left his face as he took one more step forward while she backed away.

It was impossible to look away from him. It was as if some impalpable power was being an obstruction from making her look away from him. Everytime she looked at him, all she wished was for her to disappear and never be seen again. She wanted to be disappeared from him. But she knew it wasn't possible because he wouldn't let her go. But still the slightest hope would keep her going.

"But it's good she's no more. She was a nuisance after all. Hungry for my love even after knowing I've got the prettiest woman as my wife." He let out a deep chuckle and she felt the rumble of it in her bones.

She didn't dare utter a word. Not like she didn't want to. She just couldn't find the right words to speak. Just him being near her made her senses loose and she couldn't think straight. But every ounce of her body jerked when he slammed her against the wall and pinned her wrists. "But it's a pity knowing this pretty wife had the guts to escape from me, isn't it love?" His lips brushed against the shell of her ear when he spoke. His voice so low that she could feel herself shivering.

Her body trembled and her lips chattered when he bent down to match her level, still piercing her with his soul clenching gaze. She sobbed heavily when his grip on her wrist tightened with every word he spoke. How badly she wanted to run away from him but she knew she couldn't. It was impossible to escape from his grasp. His soul was as barren as the desert.
His mind was a tangled knot of sharp, poisonous thoughts, writhing in his dark and twisted soul like a maddened serpent. He reveled in his own brutality, taking pleasure in the pain and sufferings of others. Beneath his cold, unfeeling facade, a volcano of anger boiled and frothed with violent intent. His heart was a bleak and desolate wasteland, without an ounce of compassion or empathy which made her freeze on her ground.

Every word he spoke made her heart clench with fear and anger and he seemed to enjoy her state because of the way he grinned again. His hold on her wrist didn't seem to loosen up while his face so close to hers that she could feel his hot breath against her neck.

With the faint amount of courage within her, she muttered slowly, as good as unhearable but he still heard it because of the closeness. "I-I did t-that for my o-own good." Her voice cracked and no matter how hard she tried to make it stop, it just wouldn't. His existence was more that enough to make her soul tremble.  Her reply made him quite amused and his grip on her wrists loosened, but he didn't let go. He nodded slowly as if he was thinking and then he scooted his face more closer to her until their noses almost touched.

"If that's the case then I'll set you free, my love." He whispered against her lips.


To Be Continued

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