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"Come and introduce yourself," The teacher said and let a girl come into his class. Some of the boys start whispering due to her existence and make a boy who was sleeping raise his head for a while and then continue to sleep again.
"Hi everyone, I'm Park Songyi! Let's be friends" The new student slightly waved her hand.
"Okay hmmm. Eunbin, who's sitting next to you?" The teacher asked a girl who sat in the last row near the window.
"Nobody, sir. And I would like for her to sit here." Eunbin answered him.
"Now Songyi, you can sit next to Eunbin." The teacher then let Songyi sit.
"Thank you, Sir." She said and sat next to Eunbin.

"I'm Eunbin by the way," Eunbin introduced herself to Songyi
Before Songyi responded to her, the girls who sat in front of them turned around and also introduced themselves "Hi! I'm Aeri!" "I'm Seungwan, if there's anything you want to ask, you can ask me anytime Songyi-ya" Songyi responded to them with a smile on her face and handshake their hand.
"Eunbin-a, thank you for letting me sit next to you." Songyi smiled to Eunbin after Seungwan and Aeri turned around.
"Nah, I'm glad someone transferred to our class because I think it would be boring to sit alone the whole semester."
"I think so"

Break time at the cafeteria

"Songyi~ I heard that you moved here because you're too smart for your previous school?" Aeri started the conversation while digging her food "I heard that on the toilet"
"That's a lie, I'm not that smart." Songyi denied
"I heard another rumor at the teacher's room that you got scouted by the principal?" Seungwan also asked her
"Nooo, but I do get a scholarship when I come here."
"Really?! Woah! I'm so lucky to sit next to you, Ms. Songyi" Eunbin bowing to Songyi with her eyes sparkling
"Yaaa, don't overact Eunbin-a~" Songyi and the girls are laughing
"Are you guys have been in the same class before?" this time, Songyi asked them.
"Nope, it's our first time," Seungwan answered her.
"Ah... I thought you've been in the same class before because you look so close to each other."
"Songyi-ya, we've known each other only about 30 minutes before you came you know" Aeri responded her. 

With that, they start eating quietly but Songyi's eyes keep looking at someone.
"BOO!" Eunbin makes Songyi startled "his name is Juyeon. He is handsome but you need to be careful" Aeri explained the boy she was looking for the whole time.
"Wh-what, I don't even ask.." Songyi said while scratching her not-itchy head
"Just a TMI for you~" Aeri and the girls teased her.


Aeri and Eunbin were in the toilet so Seungwan sat next to Songyi to talk together.
"Hmm, Seungwan-a, Aeri said that I need to be careful about the Juyeon boy, why is that?" Songyi decided to ask Seungwan while the other girls were not there because they might be teasing her
"Ah, Juyeon.. He has a group with his closest friends, I don't know the name, you can ask Aeri about it later, and she will know. Some boys in his group like to bully a person until they leave the school, so we think it's dangerous to be close with him even if he isn't the one who bullies." Seungwan talk-almost whispered to her while bending her body to get close to her.
"Okay but why are you whispering?"
"Because one of them is in our class."
"And who is that?"
"It's Hyunjae, the most dangerous one." she then starts sitting properly "You have to remember that, okay?"


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