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"what do you think about Songyi?"

"Why are you asking that?" Hyunjae was kinda speechless so he just asked Juyeon back
"Hmmm, she is beautiful and interesting, i want to know her more."
"Then asked her, duh"
"I will, but I feel like just needed a spoiler?" Juyeon chuckled
"Want her number?"
"You have it?" Juyeon widened his eyes, "can you send it to me?"
"Sure, I'll send it to you,"
Hyunjae sending Songyi's number to Juyeon. Deep inside his heart, it hurt, but he didn't know what to do with that.
"Thanks, bro. I'll go first if you feel hesitant" Juyeon winked. Hyunjae just blinked hard, trying to understand what Juyeon just said "I know you like her," Juyeon smiled "but I do, too."
Hyunjae awkwardly laughed "What, just do whatever you want, I don't even like her, haha"
"Cih, keep denied, huh?" Juyeon then laughed "Everyone knows you like her, you looked worried earlier"
"Nah, if anyone with me, lost and injured like that, of course, I'll be worried!" 
"Aah, I see" Juyeon kept teasing him
"Just go, Lee Juyeon!" Hyunjae pushed Juyeon jokingly, "I'll sleep first"
"Go ahead, I'll be watching TV here" Juyeon smiled then turned the TV on.

Hyunjae headed to his bedroom and lay on his bed. He then starts thinking.
Am I really like her? But, why? She is beautiful, I admit it. But there are also more beautiful girls in school. Why should she? And Juyeon, what to do with him if he really likes Songyi too...
No, no. It must be wrong.

Three days later, at school

This semester, Hyunjae, Juyeon, and Younghoon are in the same class also with Songyi and Aeri. 
"Glad I'm in the same class with you," Songyi smiled to Aeri, "but Seungwan and Eunbin.." she then pouted her mouth
"Yeah, hope they'll come here often on break time" Aeri also pouted, "Ah, how's your wound? Are you really okay to come to school today?"
"Eung! The doctor said I recovering so well that it closed well and it's okay to go to school as long I don't make a big move and avoid PE class"
"Glad to know that, you're doing good, Songyi-ya" Aeri patted her head and smiled widely

"Songyi-ya, hi!" Juyeon come to the class, "Hi, I'm Juyeon, you're Aeri, right?" He introduced himself to Aeri
"Hi, Juyeon" Aeri smiled, knowing what's happened with the two
"Are you in this class also?" Songyi asked him
"I am! Please take care of me" He bowed jokingly to the girls, and they just laughed. At the time, Hyunjae was watching them from the door's class and then randomly sat on the empty chair.


Juyeon was typing on his phone, he turned the TV on so that he wouldn't randomly fall asleep while chatting

Songyi? It's Juyeon, I got your phone numbers from Hyunjae
How do you feel now?

Ah, Hi Juyeon. It's still hurt a little but it's okay,

Hope you recover soon!
Is Seungwan staying in your home tonight?

She is.

Songyi-ya, I was planning to come to visit you tomorrow if you feel okay with that?

Come over, Seungwan is also here until Monday.

Okay, can you send me your location tomorrow?


Good night then. Rest well, Songyi-ya

Good night

Songyi on the other side can't stop smacking Seungwan a little because of Juyeon's text out of sudden

On the next day, Juyeon leaves Hyunjae's studio in the morning so he can change his clothes on his house and go to Songyi's house. But before that, he bought a flower first.



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