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After that day, Hyunjae felt something weird inside him every time he saw Songyi. Like, he just wants to keep looking at her. Even though he feels like that, he tries to hide it so his friends can not realize it because he isn't sure anyway.


It was summer break before summer classes started. Songyi sometimes meets up with Eunbin, Aeri, and Seungwan when they can. But this week, she didn't have any promises with them so she was just lying at home, doing some cleaning to clear her boredom. After cleaning, she lay on her bed to gain back her energy. She also checking on her phone.

*1 missed call*

She checked it, Hyunjae was calling her 30 minutes ago. In case it was something important, she texted him and he replied to her.

What's wrong? I wasn't with my phone when you called

I need your help
Can you come to my studio tomorrow?

I don't have any activity for tomorrow. What's happened?

Just come first, I'll tell you later


See you tomorrow

Songyi then put on her phone and continued her activity for the rest of the day.

Next day

Hyunjae actually doesn't need Songyi to help him. He just somehow missed her at his studio so he did it.

Songyi comes to his studio while asking what she needs to do to help him. "Are you going to move out? That's why are you calling me to come?"
"No, I need you to help me with this, I don't think I can't watch it alone." Hyunjae shows a horror DVD and smiles stupidly
"You got the wrong person Mr. Hyunjae. I'll leave" Songyi almost grab the door knob but Hyunjae stopped her
"Pleaseee, my friends are busy, they're going anywhere with their parents so I don't have someone to watch this with me now." He begged her
"Then watch it later after your friends finished their vacation."
"Nooo, I can't wait until then, okay? Just watch it with me."
"No. I hate horror. Bye." She started to grab the doorknob again
"Then! I'll change the movie. I have another genre of movies or we can watch it from the internet!" Seeing Hyunjae like this, makes Songyi want to stay.
"Okay then. But don't we need some snacks? I'll go to buy the snack first because I haven't removed my shoes."
"You don't need to. I just refill my refrigerator!" Scared she would run, Hyunjae again stopped her "You can check it first, when you don't see what you like, just say it. I'll buy it."
Songyi finally took her shoes off and headed to the refrigerator to check what Hyunjae said
"See? Tell me what's not there?" Hyunjae flexed his refrigerator and Songyi just smiled at it and grabbed some snack
"Can I have these two?"
"You can have all of it"
After that, they start sitting on the couch and start choosing a movie to watch.

They ended up watching a movie called Midnight and really enjoyed it. Both of them now feel comfortable with each other. Hyunjae even took her home that day. He realized that her home was the opposite way with him if they went from school. 

"Thank you for coming," Hyunjae said
"Thank you for the snack and also the dinner" she smiled, "Hyunjae-ya, can I ask you a thing?"
"Go ahead"
"Why are you living alone?" She actually has been curious about this since she came to his studio because he doesn't see a family picture there.
Hyunjae keeps silent for a while "Ah, I'm sorry if I crossed the line, you don't need to answer it-"
"They divorced." Hyunjae answered briefly "I've tried to live with them after divorce, with my mom when I was in elementary school, and with my dad when I entered primary school. But I don't like it so I choose to live alone." He explained
"Ah... I see. I'm sorry to bring this up,"
"It's okay. Anything you want to ask again?"
"Nope. Thank you."
"Then I'll be going, bye, Songyi."

Hyunjae goes to his studio with mixed feelings of guilt, sadness, and anger. After he arrived, he took his phone and texted Songyi.

I arrive.

Forgot to say, from now on, you don't need to do my task anymore.


Yeah. And can you please don't show up in front of me? Avoid me.


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