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"Oh? Hi, my new toys? You don't think sorry is enough, do you?" Hyunjae pushes the girl to the class and starts beating her. There's no one in the class because Hyunjae was the last one.
At the time, Songyi and Eunbin pass the class after buying some snacks at the cafeteria before coming back home.
"Eunbin-a, do you hear that? It's from our class." Songyi started whispering to Eunbing because she remembered what Seungwan said
"I do," Eunbin hesitant to say "Let's just go." Before Eunbin can drag Songyi's hand, Songyi is already opening the front door class which makes the boy stop and look at her
"Don't mind me, i just gonna take my books" Songyi acted smoothly and left the room
"You, Changmin will be happy to meet you tomorrow so, make sure to come to TBZ room on lunch break."

"WHY are you doing that?" Eunbin interrogates Songyi after they arrive at the park because they decided not to come back home, yet.
"Instinct..?" Songyi was also not sure about what to answer. She just hates it, the fact that a boy beating a girl like that in front of her.
"You don't even know her!" Eunbin continued her things
"Should I know someone to help them?" She replied in a calm voice
"I mean, it's not that easy Songyi. I actually can beat him. But it's not that easy!" Eunbin frustrated
"Eunbin-a, I'll be okay, hm? I know you act like that because you think I'm approaching Hyunjae-approaching my own grave in this school. But-"
"From now on, you can't go anywhere alone at school. Me, Aeri, and Seungwan, at least one of us needs to be with you. I'll tell them what happened today." Eunbin cut her off
"Thank you for worrying me, Eunbin-a"

Next day

Songyi entered school with a little fear of herself. But she arrived at the class and now sitting there with her friends. Not so long after that, Hyunjae comes to the class and makes her body shiver. Fortunately, Hyunjae's not doing anything to her.

Break time at the cafeteria

Songyi, Eunbin, Aeri, and Seungwan were peacefully eating their food when suddenly the boyz came and surrounded a girl on the other side of the cafeteria.
"I've said that you need to be in our room on break time, right? And you just eating here, making us wait?" Hyunjae start talking to the girl while playing with her food
"Should we drag you, or will you just come by your little leg?" Changmin playing with her hair. The girl just looked down, can't say anything
"You're not answering, so" Changmin started to drag her by her hair to their room

Songyi was about to follow the girl but the three girls near her made her stop by holding her hands.
"Is it okay to let her?" Songyi asked worried about the girl,
"Can you see the teacher? They even not doing anything to help her." Aeri said while pointing to the teacher near them
"How can?" Songyi disbelief seeing the teacher just pretend they not seeing anything
"Do you think the boyz is just a bunch of bad boys without anything but visual?" Aeri positioned herself to open a lecture about the boyz for Songyi "They have power, Songyi-ya. Like, superpower. They bullied someone, but the victim was the one who left the school, not them. Same as a teacher, they, especially Hyunjae can make them lose their job." Aeri explained
"Now, do you really understand why you should be careful with them?" Seungwan asked her with a calm tone but Songyi didn't answer because she thought it was all nonsense.


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