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Juyeon comes inside the house. Her parents were out to buy some veggies that could help Songyi recover.
"Where's Seungwan?" Juyeon asked
"Still sleeping" Songyi answered,
"Good then," He smiled
"Eh?" She asked him
"Nah, Songyi-ya, actually I want to talk to you, I know it's so random, but.. I like you Songyi," Juyeon scratched his head "You don't need to answer now, I know you must be confused now."
Songyi kept silent for a few seconds and then answered him "You know, Juyeon. I also like you the first time I moved school when I saw you, but I think it's something like, um.. fan? I'm sorry to say it like this,"
"No, it's okay Songyi-ya,"
"But I would be happy if you could be my friend if you think it's okay."
Juyeon then smiled widely "Of course! I would be happy too! Thanks Songyi, for answering me directly"
"I hope you meet someone who's better than me"
"Let's see, but where can I meet someone like that,"
"Here's the someone" Seungwan comes joking and laughing, "Ups, sorry Juyeon, you must be sad now,"
"You heard it all?" Juyeon panicking
"Sadly yes, but don't worry, I keep it secret" She put a finger on her mouth, shushing.
"Oh my god, how can I believe that" Juyeon face palmed while Songyi just laughing
"Don't worry, she's really good at keeping secrets." Songyi tried to calm Juyeon
"Nice try, Juyeon-ssi!" Seungwan keep teasing him by showing his thumbs up
They then laughed and talked for some time.

At the same time, Hyunjae who is in his studio, looking at Juyeon's post, it's a flower he bought for Songyi. Hyunjae feels frustrated but tries to distract it by cleaning his whole studio.

Flashback end

Hyunjae is now sitting with Younghoon because Juyeon chose a chair behind Songyi.
"Stop glaring, boy" Younghoon stated, making Hyunjae startled
"I'm not!" He awkwardly looks for his pen making Younghoon giggle.

Break time

The boyz now in their room, but Juyeon was in the library himself for studying.

"Hyunjae-ya, stop denying," Younghoon stated
"Yes, hyung. We all know this." Haknyeon shouted
"Admit it, hyung." Sunwoo said while playing with his phone
"What do you guys mean? Stop saying nonsense." Hyunjae keeps denying
"You're not cool, Hyunjae. Looks at Juyeon, he just goes straight with his feelings" Changmin talks while chopping chips in his mouth
"So what's the results even if I admit it?" Hyunjae gives up
"You can be with Songyi, of course," Younghoon answered him
"You must be crazy, how about Juyeon then?" 
"He got rejected and they agreed to just be friends now, you don't know about that?" Younghoon asked him
"No.." Hyunjae thinking what should he do next but then changes his mind, "It's no use. She hates me though." 
"She said she hates you? Like 'I hate you Hyunjae'?" Haknyeon asked
"Not that but, how can she like me?"
"Hyunjae-ya~ don't be a coward" Changmin commented
"That's right hyung, you must at least try it first." Sunwoo added
"Ah, molla! I'll think about that later." Hyunjae then leaves the room and heads to the class.

In the class, he keeps thinking, about what can makes Songyi likes him.
I bullied some kids, and I also bothered her by spreading rumors, making her do my homework, not leading her, and making her injured... She will never like someone like me.
"Stop thinking!" Younghoon sits next to him because class is about to start
"You startled me!" Hyunjae nagged at him making he chuckled
"You know Hyunjae, it's okay to be straightforward."


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