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It was a rainy day and of course, they had homework to do and come separately. Hyunjae brings an umbrella so he can come home safely. Songyi on the other hand, didn't bring an umbrella. But she still comes to Hyunjae's because the promise is a promise.

Songyi rang the bell and Hyunjae opened the door, seeing her all wet, hugging her bag so her books were safe. Hyunjae quickly grab her in and take her books to the tables
"Come in, use the bathroom in my room. I'll hand you some clothes" He led her to the bathroom. After she goes in, he then looking for some clothes. He got a sweatpants and t-shirt which was kinda small for him. He put it in front of the bathroom door
"The clothes are in front of the door. I'll be outside." He leaves the bedroom and opens her bag, to take out her phone and books, to drain it.

Songyi comes to the living room after changing to Hyunjae's clothes. The t-shirt looks big on her-it becomes an oversized t-shirt. Hyunjae without knowing, thinks she's cute, and a small smile forms on his lips. He then realized, that her hair was still wet. He goes to the drawer takes a hair dryer and gives it to her "use it"
"Thanks," she took it and used it at the corner of the living room while Hyunjae still checking her books. Once they both finished, they started doing what should they have done. Songyi with the tasks, and Hyunjae with anything he wants to do. Today, he went to the kitchen to make ramyeon.
"The best time to eat ramyeon is on a rainy day, right?" He said bringing the ramyeon pot. "Let's eat first!"
Songyi quietly stood up to take the spoons and chopsticks because Hyunjae's hand was full with the pot. She smiled widely when Hyunjae opened the pot lid. "It looks so tasty!" She wait until Hyunjae takes a bite of the ramyeon "It is. Try it" Then they ate together until the pot was super clear.

After eating, Hyunjae sits on the couch while Songyi does the task on the table. Hyunjae turns on the TV and starts playing his PlayStation alone. He was so focused that he didn't remember the time. It's 12.05 pm already, he looks at Songyi and finds her sleeping with her face on top of the books. Hyunjae smiled when he saw her and his hand, came to caress her hair. About 3 seconds after that, he realized and shook his head. But on the other hand, he thinks that she is so fragile that he doesn't want to wake her up. He leads her head back to the couch for some time so he can move the table aside. He brings some pillows and leads her head again to lie on it. He also takes a blanket to cover her. Gladly, his carpet was big and comfy enough to sleep on it. She let Songyi sleep there and he positioned to sleep on the couch. 

It was a sunny morning. Songyi wakes up startled, knowing that it's morning already, and also seeing Hyunjae sleep on the couch
What-wait, what time is it? 07.20? How-Why doesn't he wake me up to go home?!
She thought
"Lee Hyunjae!" She started screaming because they might late, and also wanted to scold him for not waking her up last night "How can you let me sleep here?! You should wake me up!"
"What..." Hyunjae half asleep answering her "I was playing.."
She sighed and realized it was no use to scold him now, she looked for her uniform (glad Hyunjae washed and dried it up last night using his washer). She changes her clothes and starts packing her things. "I'll go first. You, don't sleep again! You'll be late!" She left him and went to school.


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