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After discussing things with Mrs. Song, Hyunjae doesn't go to meet his friends as usual but comes to the class. He comes to Songyi who is all alone because Seungwan is still at the cafeteria and Eunbin is in the restroom.
"That's so childish of you, don't you know who am I?!" Hyunjae sitting in front of her desk
"What? childish? You're the one who's childish Hyunjae. Do you even expect I will write your name? You don't even give anything for the task. You said I need to do it by myself, so I do what you ask and here you are, angry in front of me." She talked in a calm tone
"Then you can at least tell me if I should make it by myself!"
"Thought you know what you said"
"Argh, molla! Just edit your video and  insert my name!"
"What?! Shouldn't you be embarrassed?"
"No way. You didn't even help me or simply give me some snack while I doing the task" She still managed to talk to him in a calm tone
"Snacks? Aaah, you mean, it will be okay if I pay you for doing all the tasks by yourself? Are you that poor? You should talk to me then, so I can give you some money for you to buy snacks!" He stands from the chair and talks loudly so the whole class can hear him
"It's not what I mean Lee Hyunjae! Shut your mouth!" Hyunjae back to a sitting position and brought his face closer to her after hearing her scream
"Then, I will give you money from now on for the tasks" Then he leaves with a smirk on his mouth while Songyi holds her tears.

At the time Seungwan and Aeri come from the cafeteria.
"What happened?" Aeri asked while sitting in front of crying Songyi.
"He's so annoying, I hate him!" Songyi continued crying in Seungwan's arms.

For the rest of the day, Hyunjae doesn't come back to the class instead stays in TBZ's room and does the task while thinking something fun. He, in the first place, doesn't do the task not because he's stupid, but because he is just too lazy, and thinks he has power so he can ask anyone.

Before he comes home, he asks all of TBZ to come
"What's this, Hyung? I need to go before I go to the Karaoke room with my classmate" Haknyeon started talking
"Starting from tomorrow, let's play with Songyi from my class." Hyunjae declared his thoughts
"Why~ I was having fun with Yerin though~" Changmin complaining
"Then, you keep playing with her because I don't want to hurt Songyi physically else, I will need Haknyeon to spread some rumors later,"
"Okay, then I'll get going, hyung. Just tell me the information later" Haknyeon then left the rooms
"Haaa.. If it's like this, which one should I watch? Yerin or Songyi?" Younghoon resting his head on the couch.

The next day at the cafeteria

Songyi was with her friends, eating their lunch and suddenly she felt something on her back and it started getting wet. It's a milk. And then comes Hyunjae
"Omo... I'm so sorry, Songyi.. I'll give you some money for you to bring your clothes to the laundry... It's okay, right? Everything will be alright if we have money, right, Songyi-a?" Hyunjae makes fun of Songyi and talks loudly while giving her some money from his wallet.
Songyi just kept silent and that made Hyunjae feel bored so he left the cafeteria.

"What's with that reaction? She was all angry yesterday" Hyunjae asked everyone in the room
"But she does, look angry, I think," Sunwoo said,
"Maybe you should do something more than this" Younghoon giving him more ideas to bully her.


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