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The Boyz's Room

"Ah! I'm sorry! I won't be late again!" a boy screamed after another boy punched his stomach.
"Changmin-a," comes another boy to stop the boy from punching "You're so funny, huh? haaa.. What should I do after you leave? Should we meet outside the school?" He said reaching the hurt boy. "Can you give me an idea, dummy?"
"Hyunjae-ya, let's stop, he's already dropped out of the school though, isn't that what you want?" Another boy came to the room.
"I was thinking like that, Juyeon. But, aren't we need a party? Farrawel party." Hyunjae talks and smirks at the boy. "Changmin, he's all yours" Not satisfied with the answer, Juyeon left the room again because he thinks he can't study there watching someone being tortured.
Hyunjae sits next to Younghoon to watch Changmin beating the boy.

"Hyung, have you thought about someone who will replace him?" a chubby boy comes to Hyunjae "I heard that there's a transferred girl in your class?"
"Ah, her?  Do you get any information about her, Haknyeon?" Hyunjae asked him
"She's so smart and got a scholarship when she transferred here," Haknyeon replied
"Is she?" Hyunjae did not believe Haknyeon
"She's your classmate though, why don't you know about that." Younghoon giggled next to him
"I mean, she's not look like a nerd. Anyway, where's Sunwoo?" Hyunjae looks for another member
"He is probably mentally damaging the girl who's flirting with him."

Next day,
Break time at the cafeteria

The boyz's existence is catching every person's attention. They without realizing will open a way to TBZ so that TBZ doesn't need to wait. Even cafeteria ahjumma would give them extra sausage to them without them asking. And their spot is always empty like the other students can't sit there.
"Hyung, have you talked with the transferred student?" Sunwoo asked Hyunjae while they were sitting
"Why?" Hyunjae ask him back
"I've seen that at the library, hyung. If someone like her comes to flirt with me, I'll be sure not to reject her. I mean, she looks cute and somehow hot at the same time!" Sunwoo talked excitedly
"Then, you go flirt with her, if it's not hurting your pride" Haknyeon giggled
"That's it! It'll hurt my pride! Forget it!" Sunwoo pouted and started eating.

"Something seems off today... Ah, I'm so bored." Changmin sigh
"We should sent him next week, why we let him yesterday. His new school started the next week" Younghoon speak
"It seems like we set him free for 5 days and sent him to another hell. Sangyeon-ie hyung and the other hyung are somehow cruel, more than us." Haknyeon makes the other members laugh.
"Let him. Take it as our teacher's peace day, they been so tired to act like they not hearing anything from our room. Instead, let's do something crazy after I got a new toy." Hyunjae smirked, remembering how every teacher asked him to stop but who were they to ask him? He is the son of Mr.Lee-owner of the school after all.


Randomly remembering Sunwoo's words, Hyunjae checks Songyi without knowing and accepts the fact that she is hot. 
Why didn't I realize it on the first day she moved here?
He asked himself. 
But what to do with that? I'm not that interested for now.
He started to play with his phone 'till the class finished.

Hyunjae was packing his belongings before going out of the class. Right after he left the class, a girl bumped into him
"I-i'm sorry, I need to take my phone so I kinda rushed." She talked without seeing who was in front of her. Hyunjae bent over her and said
"Oh? Hi, my new toys? you don't think sorry is enough, do you?"


Hi there! Hope you like this chapter even without our OC Songyi, because it's boyz special chapter!
At first, I want to add all of the member to the story, but I don't have any idea for their role, so, let's say the boyz split at two school but still hangout together out the school. 

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