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It's almost break time but Mrs. Song, the English teacher announces the class
"Everyone, I want to give you a group task so you won't be bored doing your homework. The task is easy, you just need to find some topics and make a reporting video. It's a group of two, and it's okay if only one of you showed on the video. And the most important one, I gonna choose the group and you can't change it, okay? Can the class's secretary write the group for me on the whiteboard?" Mrs. Song talked while looking at the attendance book and started calling the student's name.
"Aeri paired with Jaemin, Jongho with Seungwan, Eunbin with Jiwoong, Hyunjae with Songyi, ...." Mrs. Song keeps calling the name.

"Do I need to accept this?" Songyi whispered to Eunbin when the teacher was out, scared if Hyunjae heard her "Should I ask someone to secretly change my partner?"
"Huaaa. Our poor Songyi... What should we do with this task" Seungwan whined more than Songyi when she was turning her body.
"I think, you should be well-behaved and just do whatever he wants..?" Aeri said with a confused face
"Because there's no escape, I agree with Aeri. Look, he doesn't even bother you after you jump into his action, he might forget that and also forgive you." Eunbin trying to give Songyi some energies
"Cheer up, honey.. be free to talk to us if Hyunjae does something to you." Seungwan calming Songyi
"Let's go to the cafeteria, I'll buy you your favorite ice cream!" Aeri stands and drags Songyi to the cafeteria while Seungwan and Eunbin come behind them.


Songyi just sits quietly while looking at the hallway where The Boyz dragged the poor girl. The Boyz is nowhere to be seen, seems like they're having fun in their room. Out of nowhere, Songyi stands up and starts walking to the hallway making the girls confused. Seungwan tried to reach her, but before they arrived in front of The Boyz's room, the door opened. Come a poor girl with a lot of wounds on her body and face. She couldn't stand properly so Songyi and Seungwan came to help her and they walked to the nursery room.

Nursery room

"Are you okay?" Songyi asked the girl while Seungwan trying to treat her wound because the teacher was absent.
"Thank you," the girl just answered like that
"What's your name? Are you from 12-3?" Seungwan asked her while sitting in front of her next to Songyi
"Yeah, I'm Yerin." The girl introduced herself "Thank you for helping me"
Seungwan suddenly hugged her "Sorry because this thing happened to you and we can't help more than this"
"No, you guys are helping me a lot, I feel so thankful to meet you guys in the hallway and even helping me with these wounds."


When the class finished, Songyi looked for Hyunjae to talk about the group task but Hyunjae wasn't in the class already.
Songyi immediately runs out and sees Hyunjae entering The Boyz's room. She was kinda scared but came in and saw some boys one was sleeping on the couch, one was with his book in the corner of the room, another one was playing on his phone, and there was Hyunjae
"Lee Hyunjae," Hyunjae turned his head up to look at Songyi "When do you have time to discuss the English task?"
"Do it yourself." Hyunjae answered while continue setting up their PlayStation
"What do you mean?" She asked him in disbelief
"Wae? You don't want to do it alone?" Hyunjae comes to her and pushes her out of the room "Don't you dare to come here again whether you want to be our guest."


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