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Before summer classes start, the school always holds a summer vacation for the student-it not a must, but most of the students have always been waiting for this vacation.

"Songyi~ you look so cute in your outfit!" Aeri praises Songyi's look. Songyi wearing short overalls and tied her hair in a bun.
"Aeri-ya~ you look gorgeous as always" Songyi praised her back while smiling "Where's Eunbin and Seungwan?"
"Not arrived yet, seems like they'll come together because they're from the same way"

After all of the students arrived, they seat on the bus and started heading to the camping site. Songyi sits with Seungwan while Aeri sits with Eunbin. Songyi sits near the window so she can somehow hide. 
"Guys~ let's sing!" Eunbin grabs the mic on the bus and starts choosing a song which makes all of the students sing together with her.

Arrived at the camping site, Songyi, Eunbin, Aeri, and Seungwan built a tent together because gladly, a tent can be used for two people so they don't need to be separated. After the tent finished, they all went inside excitedly.
"Yeay!!!" All of them screamed happily and started to bring their belongings in.
"Guys, I heard there will be a game! The winner will get some prizes and what's cool is... it's a paired game between a girl and a boy! OMG, I'm so excited to meet my partner!" Aeri informed excitedly
"Really?! What are the prizes?" Eunbin just curious about the prizes
"Ha... I just hope it's not something like a horror mission.." Songyi sighing
"I agree with you, Songyi." resting her head on Songyi's, Seungwan also sighed because she was also a horror hater
"I don't know the prizes yet, but someone said it's something like coupons to an amusement park. But the other one said that she saw a mysterious box in the teacher's tent. I'm not sure" 

Here the girls, with the other girls' students; waiting to take a boy's name on the box to be paired with. Songyi got last because she somehow didn't want to do this but her friends dragged her and not to say, it's the rule for them to follow the schedule. She took the last paper on the box and read it 
Lee Hyunjae.
She then closed her eyes for a while and started looking for Hyunjae. She hasn't said anything to Hyunjae after that day and has been avoiding him the whole day but she needs to find him now.
There he is, next to Juyeon and also his other friends. She approached him and showed him the paper after she was close to him.
"Sorry," she said, remembering that she should avoid him. 
"Just do the mission well," Hyunjae said in a cold tone
"I will" Hyunjae left to take a number after hearing her answer. Unfortunately, he got 45, so they needed to wait for half of the students to finish the mission.

While waiting, Hyunjae goes everywhere so he doesn't need to sit close to her. He thinks it's a good way to avoid her because his weird feelings keep showing up when he close to her.

"Hyunjae-ya, where's your partner?" Juyeon asked him
"I left her there," pointing a spot near the teacher's tent.
Juyeon just smiled when he found her "Her name is Songyi, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Just asking" he then smiled again at Hyunjae.


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