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Before Hyunjae left his bedroom, he ruffled his hair so it looked kinda messy.
"Were you sleeping?" Songyi asked him.
"Eo. You haven't finished the homework?" Hyunjae asked her back because she still with some paper in front of her.
"Yeah, I'm starting yours now. But, um, Hyunjae?" She looked at him "Can I get water?"
Hyunjae looked at her and the kitchen. She didn't touch anything except her homework
 "I told you you can take it on the kitchen." He said then sat on the couch
"Is it really okay?"
"Why not?"
"I just think it's kinda not proper to go into someone's kitchen.."
"Feel free. The owner of the house has told you, now, go get yourself water."
Songyi then came to the kitchen
"Ah, bring some snacks also." Hyunjae command here
"This one?" She showed a bag of snack
He grabbed the snack and put it on the table after getting some lay on the couch and reached for the TV remote, before he turned it on, he heard Songyi's stomach growl. Songyi acts like she didn't hear anything, but Hyunjae can feel her embarrassment. Hyunjae giggled silently behind her so she couldn't hear him
"You know, you can eat the snack" He refuses to act gentle but makes her more embarrassed
"T-thanks" She then grabs some chips and continues writing.

Not so long, the doorbell rang, "Songyi, get them." Hyunjae, again commands her.
"What? It's your home, it can be your guest."
"It's okay, just delivery man" Hyunjae talks while still lying on the couch
Songyi sighed and walk up to the door, "Thank you, sir"
Hyunjae then sits and starts opening the plastics
"Get the spoon, Songyi" 
Without asking more, she gets up and heads to the kitchen and brings one spoon and chopsticks for him making him questioned
"Will you eat with your bare hands?"
"Why are you only bringing a pair of these?" Hyunjae pointed at the spoon and chopsticks "Go get yours" With that, Songyi got another one
"Let's eat"
"I'll enjoy the food" And then, they start eating together in silence.

Doing double homework, makes Songyi needs some time. She finished at 11.10 pm. "Next time, I'll buy you the food," She said while putting her shoes on
"Nah, let's say it is a fee because you doing my homework"
"I'll go" She didn't respond to him and left the studio.

When she was walking to the Halte, she heard someone calling her
"Songyi-ya!" She stopped and looked behind her, she saw Hyunjae running toward her
"Wait," He said while taking a breath, wanting more oxygen "Give me huh.. your number"
"For what?"
"You need to text me when you arrive," He gives his phone from his pocket. She typed her numbers and started walking again, fearing to miss the bus. On the bus, she saw a notification on her phone.

It's my number. Save it and tell me when you arrive.


She saved his number with his name and texted him when she arrived home.


Songyi now gets used to doing double homework, and Hyunjae, he's now less awkward with his guests and does not isolate himself at first anymore. Sometimes, they play PlayStation together if the homework is finished earlier. They do not eat in silence again sometimes, they talk about themselves. Of course, Hyunjae still annoys her by asking her to do something like bring his water, close the windows, and sometimes ask her to do the dishes while she always eats by plastic.


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