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This time, Hyunjae and Songyi started the mission. Their first mission was to find a place by following the guide at every turning point. Songyi was just following Hyunjae silently behind him.
Where's the next guide? It seems wrong, it's a fork but There's no guide.

Hyunjae starts looking for any guide or possible hint but he can't find anything. Songyi also helps him by looking around her but she also can't find any clue.

"They should put something here but there's none," Hyunjae talks to her
"I've been looking there, there's also nothing. What should we do? Should we just turn back?"
"No, let's just try this way."
"What? But there's no guide, what if we get lost?"
"We can turn back later." 

Hyunjae then lead the way again. The sun almost setting down, they haven't finished the first mission yet.

The teacher who waits at the spot doesn't know that a couple of his students have arrived so he leaves the spot and heads to the camping site. Almost all of the students and the teacher gathered up there (some of them still doing the mission and probably already in the last place).

"Don't you think Songyi really takes a long time? It's almost night," Seungwan kinda worried.
"I think so but wait a little longer, maybe Hyunjae always failed the mission so they stuck there?" Eunbin calmed Seungwan.
"Let's wait for more 15 minutes then I'll tell the teacher if she does not show up yet"

On the other place, Songyi asked Hyunjae to come back but they hesitated because they'd been walking far without marking the way and the sky was a total darkness now.

"Hyunjae-ya, let's just go back" Hearing that, Hyunjae turned back but slipped and almost tripped to the cliff but Songyi's hand got him. Now Hyunjae was hanging on the cliff while Songyi trying hard to hold him.
"Can you step to some things so I can pull you up?" Songyi trying to talk
"There's nothing to step to," Hyunjae said after looking down "Just let me go and go for help!"
He let his hands go but Songyi kept holding it, "No, I can't go alone, don't let go of your hand!"

Then Hyunjae keeps his hands on hers, but it's a wrong move, it makes her unstable and fall with him in a worse position. A wood stabbed her stomach while Hyunjae landed safely on the ground only with a small injury. He looks at Songyi who is hurt and keeps holding her head. She was bleeding hard, Hyunjae started panicking and came to her, "Are you okay? Can you bear with the pain?" Hyunjae worried
"Eo.." Songyi talks almost whispering
"Wait here, I'll looking for help-" Hyunjae said before standing but Songyi held him
"Don't go anywhere, I'm scared.." Looking at her makes Hyunjae's heart hurt. He then said
"Okay, I'll just bring some wood there, and come back here, next to you"

Bringing some wood, Hyunjae sits next to her and starts to scrub the wood, hoping it can be firewood so the teacher knows they're here.

45 minutes passed Hyunjae saw sparks in the woods and started smiling widely, he wanted to brag about it, but he saw Songyi look pale and start to have a cold sweat.
"Songyi-ya, stay with me, okay? Don't fall asleep, look, I almost make the firewood." He pats some sweat and blood on her and focuses again on the firewood. 

Finally, he can make it and now he can focus on her again.


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