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Is he crazy? Who the hell he thinks, he is? There should be a reason why it's a group task! Ck!  You think I can't do something to you, huh? I'll do the task by myself and won't write your name! Don't you dare to ask me later if Mrs. Song asked you something!
Songyi grumbled on her way home while thinking about her revenge.

When she arrived home, she started researching so she had some ideas for the task. After she gets some ideas, she then chooses the hard one so that Hyunjae has no idea about that when the video is played in front of the class and Mrs. Song.

The next day at school

Songyi looks annoyed every time she sees Hyunjae's desk "Did something happen yesterday? Have you discussed something with him?" Eunbin asked when she realized Songyi's gaze
"Hmm what should I say? It's kinda he rejecting me as his partner?" Songyi answered lazily
"How can?" Seungwan asked her
"He told me to do the task alone. It's the same thing, isn't it?" Songyi resting her head on the desk
"Nah, girl. It's a different thing of course." Aeri talked while playing with her hair
"I don't care. I will take it like that."
"Songyi-ya.. How about asking him one more time? Just in case, he can coordinate..?" Seungwan gives another opinion
"Ck, okay I'll ask him when he is arrived. But if he still acts like yesterday, I really really will NOT include him on this task" Songyi then sees Hyunjae coming with some snacks in his hands. She then comes to Hyunjae "Hyunjae, do you really mean what you said yesterday?"
"What do you mean? Go away." Hyunjae felt disturbed when she talked to him, he didn't even look at her
"English's task." She coldly replied to him making he look at her and stand in front of her
"Are you stupid or what? I've clearly said, you do it yourself. Why should you bother me again, huh?" He then pushed her a little harder until she was about to fall but a hand helped her. It's Juyeon.
What? How can he come to this class?
She questioned herself.
"Hyunjae-ya, this," he handed Hyunjae an airpods "Thanks, I'll be back to my class"
"Eo." Hyunjae then uses the airpods Juyeon just gives it to him and back to sit.


The rest of the week, Songyi keeps doing the task by herself at her home.
And now the time of Mrs. Song's class. She will play all of the videos the student has sent and watch them together. And this time, she will be playing Songyi's video.
She doesn't hesitate to give applause to Songyi because Songyi's come with really hard topics. But then she realized, that there was no other name at the end of the video.
"Songyi-ya? Why you don't write your partner's name? Are you doing it all alone?" She asked while scanning the list of the groups that the class secretary had sent her after last week's class "Lee Hyunjae, are you supposed to be in the group?" She then changed the questions to Hyunjae. Hyunjae just kept silent and looked at Songyi. 
"Can one of you explain something to me?" Mrs. Song asked one more time
"He doesn't want to do it, Ma'am." Songyi at the end, spills it
"What do you mean?" Mrs. Song asked again
"He told me to do the task by myself, so I do. I thought he makes one by himself." She giggled a little
"But Hyunjae, you didn't make it, right? I don't see any emails from you"
"Yes, Ma'am." He admits it
"Hyunjae, use your break time to come to my room." Mrs. Song told him.


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