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Songyi comes to school confused because some students-almost all of them are whispering when they see her. But she didn't really care about that and found Aeri already sitting on her desk.
"Songyi-ya! Come here, c'mon!" Aeri asks her when she saw her
"It's not the time for hi, honey. Look!" She gives her phone to Songyi
There's a group chat without her. All of the students were invited by someone. The first chat in the group was a rumor about her getting a scholarship so poor that's why she asked Hyunjae for money. Songyi then looks at the group's information, searching for someone who made the group. It's Ju Haknyeon.
"Who is Ju Haknyeon?"
"He's part of The Boyz. And seeing Hyunjae's name on that, he must be behind it all."
"Hm, it's not that all of this wrong though. I'm getting a scholarship and also not as rich as him. It's okay." Songyi gives back Aeri's phone
"You really think it's okay? Even he won't just stop like this?"
"Of course he won't. But responding to him now will make him excited, right?"
"You're right. Okay, it's okay and you'll gonna be okay. Just tell us if you need help okay? You always have us."
"I know it, thanks Aeri-ya, I'm so glad to have you, Eunbin, and Seungwan as my friend."

There's always a new rumor about Songyi every day starting after that day. And of course, it's getting worse every day. Songyi is just a bitch with good grades. She had slept with Hyunjae because she needed money.  Songyi tries her best not to respond even her friends tell her they will help to beat him. But, she always said, "I'm okay, it's nothing as long as you guys don't believe the rumors."

Looking at Songyi's response makes Hyunjae furious. So he will use the last rumor he has prepared and will change the way to bully her if it does not work again.  

Songyi's mom recently became friends with Hyunjae's mom. It must be because Songyi tells her mom that Hyunjae's family is rich!

That's his last weapon.

This time, Songyi can't hold herself. She can't let anyone insult her family. She then looked for Hyunjae and found him in the field.
She comes and drags Hyunjae to the inventory room.
"Wow, wow, wow. Calm down girl" Hyunjae said after Songyi locked the door.
"Lee Hyunjae, I've been holding it since you started the rumors. But then you drag my mom? Are you that eager to bully me, huh?!"
"What do you mean~ I don't understand~" Hyunjae acts innocent
"I know it all, Lee Hyunjae, don't act fool."
"Hmm, interesting." Hyunjae starts smiling "You should be like this from the start so I won't bring your mom's name to this.."
"Delete that rumor. I don't care about the other rumors, just that one, I beg you."
"What will you give me then?" Hyunjae comes closer to her, leaving little space between them making her scared
"Wh-what do you want?"
"What should we do hmm.." Hyunjae thinking of some idea
"Delete that first and make another information about that wrong rumors."
"You, can you do anything I ask you if I deleted that rumor?"
Inside her heart, she hesitated to say yes, but thinking about her mom, "Yeah, I'll do anything"
"Okay then. I'll tell Haknyeon to delete it and clarify. And you, wait until I have an idea to do with you." Hyunjae then unlocked the door "Don't you dare to run away." With that, Hyunjae leaves, leaving Songyi who is frustrated now.


Bully [TBZ Lee Hyunjae X OC]Where stories live. Discover now