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Hyunjae lay Songyi on his lap and covered her with his jacket. She started to close her eyes due to the pain.
"Songyi-ya, hold it, you can't sleep yet. They will come," Hyunjae shakes her a little. Seeing the blood starting to widen on her shirt even though he wasn't revoking the wood, Hyunjae started worrying more. He wants to scream so people can hear him but also scared his voice will invite some wild animals because they don't know what's in there.
"Want me to tell you a story?"
"But promise, you won't sleep while I tell you."
"Not sure... Sleepy.."
"No, you can't sleep here, what if there's a lion? Then I'll leave you here and you gonna be eaten by the lion"
That is so you, Lee Hyunjae.
Songyi just smiling hearing that.
"So the story is about... Wait, I don't have any story to tell because you already know... Let me just sing then."
Hyunjae then started singing Taeyeon song's All About You. His calming voice makes her feel more sleepy, before he finishes the song, she's already fallen asleep. He then realizes it after finishing the song and starts panicking, he taps her face gently, hoping she will open her eyes. 

On the other hand, Eunbin, Aeri, Seungwan, The Boyz members, and some teachers are starting to search for Songyi and Hyunjae. The teacher keeps it secret so the other students won't be panicked and start a rumor so they just follow the schedule.
"I think they're started lost after this, there's should be a sign here but now nothing." Mr. Park pointed at a wood with nails. "Let's start searching," He commanded the others, but then, Juyeon looked at the sky, he saw a smoke there,
"Ssaem, I think they're there." He pointed out, and they started walking while calling Hyunjae and Songyi's names. 

Hyunjae heard that and started screaming "Help! We're here!! Songyi's injured!" Hyunjae put Songyi's head to the ground and threw some wood so they could find him faster.

"Hyunjae-ya!" Younghoon finds him first and makes the others start coming
"Help, she's hurt her stomach and passed out now, we need to take her to the hospital!"
They evacuated Songyi and also Hyunjae. Songyi and Hyunjae go to the hospital along with Seungwan, Juyeon, and Mr. Park with them.

Songyi needed a minor surgery to take the wood on her stomach while Hyunjae just needed some cleaning and betadine on his body.
"How can it happen?" Seungwan asked him after he treated
"It was dark already and I got slipped when we got lost," Hyunjae looking the bed next to him, "and she was about to help me but instead fell with me" He dropped his head down while Seungwan sighed
"She's gonna be okay now, you too" Juyeon calmed him "Don't worry"

Mr. Park decided not to go back to the campsite but instead to their house because they needed rest. Juyeon also asked Mr. Park to come with Hyunjae because he know Hyunjae lives alone. And Seungwan also wants to stay at Songyi's house, to keep her accompanied. Mr. Park agreed so he came back to the campsite alone.

"You don't need to come through," Hyunjae said when he and Juyeon entered his studio.
"Ye, ye, ye" Juyeon teased him "You even whine at the group chat when we can't come to this studio to watch," Juyeon then took a cup of water and gave it to Hyunjae "You can change your clothes by yourself, right."
"Of course, you pervert!" Hyunjae drink the water and head up to his room to change. He also gives Juyeon some comfortable clothes because Juyeon left his bag on the site.

"Hyunjae-ya," Juyeon called Hyunjae while eating the chips "What do you think about Songyi?"  


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