Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1: 

The wind was whipping the shore but the tide was lapping gently on the sand, in the distance she could hear the squawks of seagulls approaching curiously, the bucket full of fresh fish rested at her feet, the soft touch of a furry fin brought her back to the beach.

-Sorry to keep you waiting

In all the years she had been visiting the seals this was the first baby to come so close, a few meters behind a gray seal with black spots watched her pup's movements. The mother's eyes seemed to ask questions, as if she was looking for someone she hadn't seen in a long time.

-It's just me again - sighed the young girl as she dropped a sardine near the pup, she was close enough to feed it with her hand directly but she didn't want to scare the mother and break the trust they had built up over the years - I don't think the king will be coming back. 

She tossed the mother a salmon, the seal bounced on her round belly to jump up and catch it in mid-air, she swallow it quickly and gave a few energetic flaps against her belly.

-You're welcome.

Feeding the seals was a happy moment for her, she remembered holding her father's hand as she carried her small bucket of squid, mollusks and small fish with the other hand, jumping with excitement as the wind ruffled her hair.


Those blue eyes looked at her with a fondness that seemed impossible.

-Seals! Papa! Seals!

-Yes, my love, we're going to see the seals now.

She felt a pang in her chest as she remembered the soft laughter that came from the king as she tried to descend the steps two by two.

-Don't walk like a wild goat!

Her little feet moved impatiently leaving footprints on the sand as she waited for her father, it was an arduous walk to reach the herd, they had to pass by sharp rocks while avoiding the waves that beat against them, they walked for at least half an hour until they began to spot the first seals. Squeals of excitement escaped her lips as her hands pulled the king's hair.

-They are coming now.

The animals seemed to recognize them and the larger seals had begun to bounce towards them, trying to propel themselves with their short flippers that barely touched the sand. The little princess was waiting for them with restrained excitement, when they were close enough she was taken off her father's shoulders and placed on the sand, hugging the red bucket tightly.

-Go ahead love, they are waiting for you.

The king's huge hand rested lovingly and gently on his daughter's shoulder, nudging her lightly. That day the seals ate every last squid. Back at the castle Darius only laughed softly as he carried his daughter on his back, listening intently to every word her tired lips emitted.

-They're round, Daddy, they should be soft like marshmallows.

-Should we eat them then? - He asked curiously

-Nooo! Dad! What are you thinking! Seals are friends, not food!

Her father's laughter still echoed clearly in her mind. Tears slowly slid down her cheeks, making the windblown sand stick to her face.

-I don't understand!

She shouted angrily at the ocean. Some seals resting on the beach raised their heads at the noise, snorted and went back to sleep. She still loved those animals as much as the first day and coming to feed them was still special, but she had been coming alone for years. The king made more and more excuses, more and more distance between them. The father who carried her on his shoulders and looked at her as if she were his whole world had disappeared.

The sound of heavy footsteps made her hurry to wipe her face, any trace of weakness had to be removed, and no one could know that she had been crying because she missed her father as if she were a little girl.

-Why am I not surprised to find you surrounded by these stupid animals?

Cutler's voice cut the moment short, and the few seals still on the beach rushed to jump into the sea and swam away. The young woman sighed, if only she had that option. She turned to her fiancé slowly.

-I'd appreciate it if you didn't call them that - she said.

The young man snorted, trying to fight the breeze that threatened to shatter his perfect hairdo, lifting his blond locks menacingly.

-That's what they are, when we reign we're going to market the skin and fat of those things, they've been living for free for too long.

Of course, everything had to serve and leave profit to the royal house, otherwise it was stupid and a waste of space. She was too tired to argue with Cutler again, she had already learned that those golden eyes only served to look at the world with a thirst for power. The knot in her stomach twisted tighter at the thought of reigning alongside Cutler.

From a tender age he had been chosen to be her betrothed, Cutler Collins, son of Duke Ethan Collins and Maid Lila Collins, close friends of the Cohen family. For years she had tried to love him, or at least get along with the man who would be her husband but his mere presence made her hair stand on end.

-Do you need me?

She asked, changing the subject

-Clearly, I wouldn't come to this horrible place if it wasn't absolutely necessary - he snorted shaking his shoes -The queen is looking for you, something about a dress and I don't know what, as long as it has cleavage I don't care what you wear - he waved a hand from side to side, making it clear how insignificant the whole thing was for him.

-I understand, I'll be there in a few minutes.

-No, you're coming back with me, I'm not going to be the cause of the queen having to wait for you even longer.

He took the young girl's arm with force and basically dragged her, the path that in her childhood was full of rocks and dangers had been modified, a golden path led directly to one of the entrances of the castle, shortening the travel to only 5 minutes.

The princess stood watching the waves as she let Cutler carry her, hoping to hit the rocks, even though they were no longer there.

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