Chapter 18:

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Chapter 18:

In retrospect leaving the castle in the midst of a storm in the middle of the night wearing borrowed clothes was not the best idea, the rough fabric clung to her skin, scratching it with every movement, she was grateful to Octavia for loaning her a tank top and a pair of gray pants that seemed not to have been gray from the beginning and a pair of huge rubber boots, but the difference of these garments with the ones she was accustomed to wearing was abysmal.

Her soaked hair stuck to the nape of her neck and jet-black locks fell over her face blocking her view, she didn't know where she was going, she had never been so far away, the castle and the beach where she fed the seals were all she knew. She decided to keep walking through the forest, using the thick branches as shelter from the rain, the moonlight barely filtering through the thick foliage.

She didn't know how much time had passed, the rain eventually stopped and the sun was now illuminating the sky, the trees were becoming less and less thick and the grass under her feet seemed to be starting to be more manicured, she ended up in what appeared to be a large field of green grass, there were rows and rows of rocks and in front of each rock were flowers.

Everything seemed to be in perfect condition, the flowers in front of the rocks had vibrant colors although they were cut short, as he got closer the rocks began to take the shape of a dome and their material seemed to be closer to marble, they had something engraved on them: a name and two dates.

-A cemetery!

Her shout caused some that seemed to be looking for food among the tombstones to fly away. If she was in a cemetery then she must be close to town. She was broke and had no idea how she would manage to pay for food or shelter but she was confident that she would find someone who would help her.

She tried to keep walking but her muscles did not respond, her knees trembled and her legs failed under her weight, making her to fall heavily on the grass, she knew she had to move forward, she couldn't stay lying down but her lids seemed to be made of cement and it was increasingly difficult to keep them open "maybe nothing will happen, just a few minutes" she thought before everything went black.

All Sari was asking for was a normal day, just a peaceful day, for as long as she could remember her life had been disaster after disaster, her parents were immigrants, from where? Don't ask her, she doesn't know. She had been found when she was only 4 years old on a raft that was shipwrecked on the coast, she was recovered by a florist, his name was Niraj Sum and although he could barely survive he decided to take an unidentified baby girl and take care of her as his daughter.

When she turned 15 her father passed away from a " strange" disease, Sari still believes that it was nothing rare, what ended her father's life was the lack of money, they could not afford a good doctor, much less medicine. It was just the two of them and when Niraj passed away Sari was left alone again, as if she was back in that boat.

She took over the flower shop and with that she barely managed to eat, let alone pay the absurd taxes that the crowned idiots imposed on the kingdom. On her third arrest for non-payment, a royal guard who took pity on her situation recommended her to work in the town cemetery.

She didn't have many friends, other than her "book club" and midnight meetings every month, her days consisted of tending the graves and talking to the dead while replacing their flowers and then going home to sleep until the next shift.

The last thing he expected was to stumble upon a body outside of its grave at the end of the shift. What she thought was a corpse made a balloon-like noise as it deflated when the girl fell on it. Sari spun quickly, kneeling beside the young girl who was struggling to catch her breath.

-Ah, you're alive, I thought I'd have to return you to the depths of the unknown.

-Curious, I said the same thing a few hours ago.

The girl's voice came out hoarse, probably from lack of air.

-You were visiting someone and decided to take a nap?

The young woman shook her head, pointing with a trembling hand to the exit of the cemetery that led to the forbidden forest.

-I came that way.

-You know that forest is forbidden, don't you? Apparently it leads to the castle and the gold imbeciles are afraid the people will come near them, so if they catch you trying to enter they'll put you in the dungeon for about two months. You are lucky I am not a blabbermouth.

The young woman didn't answer, she just stared at the trees with lost eyes. "But what a strange girl," thought Sari.

-Well, corpse girl, I'm just finishing my shift and my bed is waiting, it's been nice not talking to you.

She headed for the exit, but before she could lift her left leg to take a step the weirdo grabbed her pants like a tick.

-Don't leave me here, I don't know where to go.

The young girl felt every muscle in her body groan from the effort of holding on to the other girl, but what else could she do? If she let her go and was left alone again she would probably end up in prison, and surely her parents would soon notice her absence and start a search. She needed to find shelter, and fast.

-Hey, I don't even know your name and you want me to take you with me?

He knew he couldn't give her real name, who knows how much information about the princess would have reached the village, and while her face was always kept hidden from anyone outside the court and the castle workers she couldn't risk giving more information than strictly necessary, she looked at the nearest tombs discreetly.

-Cirka Tanis

-What did you say? I can't hear you from up here

Cirka snorted, letting go of the other girl and standing up with effort, her feet burned and her muscles felt like jelly, her back aches after so many hours on the floor, she stretched to try to relax it and sighed with satisfaction after her spine cracked. Standing she was almost a head taller than that girl, her skin was pale and she had constellations of freckles on her cheeks, her hair was coppery and short, it fell over her shoulders, making her look like an angry cloud.

-My name is Cirka Tanis, do you hear me fine from down there?

Her little nose wrinkled, she looked like an irritated hamster.

-Ah, you're a comedian? Well, Cirka, you're lucky I'm an excellent person and I can't leave stray cats like you stranded.

She started walking

-My name is Sari Sum, I think we'll get along fine.

Before going after Sari the young woman grabbed what appeared to be a wildflower growing in what little undergrowth there was among the sculptures, and gently deposited it on a grave.

-Thank you

Engraved on the stone is written the name "Cirka Santi" with the epitaph "honor in revenge."

-What are you doing? Hurry up!

The unexpected call startles her and she follows her guide, forcing her body to keep up with the young woman as she makes a mental note to bring Cirka a real gift next time.

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