Chapter 16:

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Chapter 16:

-I'm sorry? What will you do if you are WHAT?

Milo's shout echoed in the room, the princess jumped, falling to the floor.

-How long have you been here?

The girl stood up, her movements still lethargic and robotic.

-A few minutes

-Why are you here?

Her narrowed eyes gave a cold look to the trio, although she was trying hard to keep her composure, the trembling in her hands gave away her true state. Milo stood by the door, his worried eyes scrutinizing every gesture. Lorelai stood nearby, her lips pressed together in a line of restrained anguish. And Octavia looked at the princess with a mixture of sadness and determination.

-After giving me the scare of the century and almost dying in my arms, do you really blame me for wanting to make sure you didn't kick the bucket?

The princess forced a weak smile, trying to control the fear and pain that threatened to overflow, how could she explain everything she had just heard? How to explain to them that her own mother had tried to poison her and sent her to sleep with the most despicable being on earth just so she could get rid of her? "Do you really think what they're doing is right?" the words of Milo echoed in her head, she could already answer him truthfully, that no, none of this was right.

-I'm fine, I just need to rest a little more and everything will be fine.

Her affirmations were nothing more than empty letters, she passed saliva, feeling the metallic taste of blood still lingering in her mouth. Milo slowly advanced towards the bed, his narrowed eyes letting her know how little he believed her lies.

-Princess, I know you're trying to protect us from whatever's going on here, but you can't do it all alone. Share your burden, we're here for you - he implored softly, his voice laden with affection and loyalty.

The young woman averted her gaze, feeling the wall she was trying to build to hide her vulnerability begin to crack. She knew Milo was right, but she didn't want to expose her friends to the wrath of her parents. Lorelai, unable to contain herself, reached over and took the princess' hand tenderly.

-You don't have to feign bravery on our behalf, your highness. We are here to support you, no matter what we face - her voice cracked at the end.

Silence enveloped the room, interrupted only by the sound of the princess's gasping breath. Finally, her eyes filled with tears, she nodded, allowing her armor to fade for an instant. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears and her lower lip twitched slightly, a small whimper escaped her mouth, the sound breaking their hearts.

-I don't know what happens from here on out, and I'm not ready to tell you what happened, I'm not sure I've even processed it... But I need to get out of here, right now - her voice was no more than a trickle and heavy tears began to slide down her cheeks.

Octavia wiped the young woman's cheeks.

-It's okay, we can take you to your room, we just need to....

She paused as she noticed how the princess denied her words with a shake of her head.

-No, I need to get out of the castle, the farther away the better.

The three friends exchanged a glance, three pairs of eyes that reflected the same question: What the hell had happened?

-Milo, you can't think of helping her, it's a stupid plan. You already have enough trouble on top of leading the rebellion while being one of the highest ranking royal guards, don't you realize that jeopardizing your position and revealing your treason to the kingdom in this way will only bring us trouble? - Lorelai's voice trembled slightly, she kept her arms crossed over her chest, her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips were a straight line, her gaze screamed the concern that the rest of her features wanted to hide.

Milo's fists remained clenched at his sides, his face was tense making the cheekbones on his cheeks stand out even more, he slowly approached the girl - I understand your concerns, but it is impossible for me to stand idly by and simply ignore the corruption of the kings and the lives and dreams they destroy. If the chance for a better future is in my hands I cannot do nothing, if there is a chance that I can live instead of survive I cannot ignore it. - The boy's hands were relaxing and now he used them to passionately gesture his ideals.

Lorelai shortened the distance between them as she took another step closer, her eyes were still unable to harden their gaze and her hands seemed to yearn to touch the boy, but they remained firm to her. - Do you expect me to just accept that you are dragging us all to destruction? I have a family that depends on me and I don't plan on risking their safety and well being just for your ideals. What do you think will happen if we fail, and what do you think will happen if we all get caught trying to get the princess out of here?

Milo held the girl's gaze as he struggled internally to keep his knees from weakening at what he saw in those green wells, his eyebrows were still arched, determination did not leave his face but his gaze was laden with anguish, his body leaned slightly towards Lorelai - I have never forced you into anything, you may feel that following me now is a false step and I wouldn't blame you if you just follow your own path. But I cannot stand by while the injustices continue. I know that helping her escape is the right thing to do, giving her the chance to free herself from a dark fate is in my hands and it is not something I plan to or can ignore.

Octavia remained silent, unable to take a side among her friends. The princess watched the confrontation with concern and although she had remained silent she could no longer ignore how her request had been the trigger for the tension between the two young men. -I don't intend to get them in trouble, I never have and I don't plan to start now - the tremor in her voice had disappeared - This is no longer my home, it will be my grave if I don't get out of here as soon as possible - The sparkle in her eyes had disappeared - I can't stay, and I will leave alone if necessary.

Lorelai's green eyes looked at her for a few seconds and then, full of unshed tears, fixed on Milo. The girl sighed and placed a trembling hand on his arm. -I know how important your ideals are, I know because you cling to them as tightly as I cling to my family. If this is what you want to do I won't stop you, I just ask you to be careful. I cannot allow my family to be involved in a tragedy.

Milo's eyes softened, gently holding the girl's gaze, he nodded his head slightly - I understand. I'll do everything I can to take care of myself - he smiled as he heard the snort that escaped from the girl and saw how her eyes rotated - If someday I'm too much for you don't hesitate to walk away, because I won't - his lips gently touched the skin of Lorelai's forehead.

The touch was fleeting and the warmth of his lips left the girl's skin too soon and her own lips curved, suppressing something inside her throat, her body shudders slightly under the memory of the touch of that rough hand on the skin of her arm, she doesn't look away until Milo does as he turns to the princess. Lorelai's fingers lightly brushed the boy's knuckles before she pulled away.

The blue wells in his eyes froze again and every muscle in his body tensed - Princess, let's get you out of here. We'll take the chance the storm gives us and you'll be out of here tonight. 

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