Chapter 19:

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Chapter 19:

Chaos reigned in the castle

-Milo, come here!

It had only been a few hours after the princess's escape when the queen's scream was heard throughout the hallway. Milo threw off the scratchy sheets he had for blankets as he fought with his own body. His movements were more lethargic than usual and he could feel every vertebrae in his back fighting to get back into bed. Every step felt as if iron ingots had replaced his bones.

Still disheveled and with his shirt open he stood before the queen, he bowed in front of her and stared for a few seconds at those golden shoes as he tried to catch his breath.


He adopted what he hoped looked like the position of a soldier and did not reveal the frightened young man hiding under his skin.

-After the unfortunate events of this morning, did you talk to anyone about what happened?

The tone of her eyes was the same tone that the princess had inherited and yet their gazes could not be more different, the queen's seemed to dig into your soul, looking for your weakest points to force you to fall in front of her.

-I would never dare to disobey a royal order, your highness.

The queen's thin lips, which despite the hour looked perfectly moisturized under the blood red color of her favorite lipstick, contracted into a grimace of disbelief. "It's okay, she doesn't know anything, there's no proof we were there."

-And you wouldn't happen to know where my daughter is?

-Majesty, taking care of the princess is my job and I would never leave her to her luck. I left her in the company of the only people I would trust, with you, your highness. As instructed, I returned to my position. I have not seen her since. Has anything happened?

"If there is no proof, you know nothing, and if there is proof then you claim insanity" His own words were recited in his head like a mantra. She couldn't know anything, that's why she was coming to question him in person instead of sending other guards to apprehend him directly. He furrowed his eyebrows and cocked his head like a confused puppy as he looked at the queen with concern. She dissected him with her gaze for a few seconds that felt like hours.

-We can't find her," she finally admitted -She probably woke up confused and is wandering around, but it's crucial that we find her.

-Do you want me to put together a search with the rest of the guards?

The woman ran a hand full of valuable rings through her gray hair as she pondered.

-No, the noise could scare her, to avoid this look for Lorelai and ask for her help - She gave him a look of displeasure -And look for Octavia, it seems that my daughter is fond of her.

She walked away making her heels clatter on the stone tiles without waiting for the young man's reply. Milo let out the air he didn't know he was holding. The queen still didn't know anything, he was sure of that, the woman's character was to attack first and ask questions later, or not to ask at all.

He made his way to the communal showers carefully carrying his uniform and his sheathed sword. He slowly removed his sleeping clothes and once he was ready he stepped into the shower, the water, as always, was freezing cold. As the liquid ran over his body Milo traced in his mind his next steps.

The fact that the queen had unknowingly ordered him to put together a search with the only other two people who knew what had really happened to the princess saved him from keeping up appearances within the search, however he had to make sure it looked like they were actually searching. They couldn't draw attention to themselves or make a fuss, but if the queen saw them it was necessary for her to believe that they were really looking for the princess.

He carved his body with the soap as he thought about the right way to look for the girls, whether he should go for Lorelai or Octavia first, how should he act so that in other people's eyes he would look rushed but without causing panic?

He fastened the buttons of the vaporous shirt, the sleeves protrude under the cuff of the coat, the white of the fabric contrasting with the red tone and the golden details that the coat has, these details are not only on the cuffs but also on each side of the torso and on the fabric that surrounds the neck. The belt is ruby red and in the center stands out the buckle with the Cohen shield, the last golden touches are in the shoulder pads and chest buttons, the rest of the fabric has an indigo blue tone that matches the pants, they are tight but the fabric is breathable and flexible.

He checked his reflection in that broken and dirty mirror that hung precariously on the stone wall. He did her best to comb his golden tresses, lifting those foolish locks into a sort of cope that Lorelai used to tousle as a way of greeting. He secured his red cloak around his shoulders and stepped out.

His plans change immediately when Lorelai crashes into his chest, landing on her backside with a thud. Those green eyes flashed angrily as they met Milo's blue wells. He smiles and holds out his hand

-It's like bumping into pure rock

She grumbled as she accepted the help to get up. She shook out her apron, making sure the pristine white of the fabric had not been affected after her fall. Milo tucked in a chocolate lock that had escaped from her hairdo, enjoying for a moment longer than necessary the softness of her cheeks, her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail and her crown was decorated by a chevron as white as her apron.

Of course, it wasn't the first time they had both seen the other in their uniforms, but, just like the first time, Milo took a few seconds to observe how the high collar with those white flaps of the simple black dress she wore under the apron brought out both the young woman's pallor and the pink of her lips.

-I was going to look for you

whispered Milo

-I found you first, I encountered the queen and she ordered me to clean the princess's chamber and the corridor where you found her, and once it was clean, I had to go to look for you. - The girl grimaced while she repressed a shiver -I had never seen so much blood, if I didn't know she was alive....

A strong hand rested delicately on her slender shoulders and gave her a warm squeeze.

-I know.

-She wants us to look for her, doesn't she?

Milo nodded, aware for the first time since crossing paths with the maid of the dark circles around his eyes.

-Have you slept at all?

She denied with her head

-No, I tried, but I would wake up within seconds, expecting them to realize what you did and take us all to the gallows.

The hand that was still on her shoulders moved down to her back, tracing small circles.

-Sorry for worrying you so much.....

She sighed, taking a few steps back to break free from the guard's caresses.

-I know you're sorry, but you're not going to stop - She shakes her head slowly, already knowing the answer - Let's go, I think we should look for Octavia.

She starts walking without waiting to see if Milo is following her, she doesn't need to see him to know he's behind her.

They find Octavia coming out of the maids' communal room, she was too busy fixing her black bow tie to even notice their presence.

Lorelai decided to wait until the cook was ready rather than take her by surprise, the sleeves of her white blouse were tucked behind her elbows and the black vest sat tightly around her torso, highlighting her bicep muscles. Lorelai forcefully passed the lump that had formed in her throat.


Milo's call startled them both, Lorelai shook her head softly, refocusing on the matter at hand.

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