Chapter 11:

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Chapter 11

Two weeks had passed and the herd still had not returned to the coast. The princess could not blame them. Why would they return to that place that had hurt them so much? And yet she couldn't help but stop by every afternoon and leave a bucket overflowing with seafood that the next day without fail dawned empty. There was no way of knowing if they returned at night and left in the early morning or if it was simply the seagulls that were feasting.

Interactions with her mother had been limited to what was strictly necessary, what had happened meant absolutely nothing to Rahena and any attempt to talk about it would fall on deaf ears. At least she had allowed her to pass her anger and pain in relative peace, without forcing her to break the silence she had put between them.... At least until that moment.

Milo had entered her room, letting her know that the queen was waiting for her. And now she faced the giant bronze door, she took a breath giving herself courage and pushed it open.

Upon entering Queen Rhaena's office, the young woman felt herself immersed in a tense atmosphere. The room was adorned with sumptuous furniture and heavy draperies that barely let in any sunlight. The queen watched her daughter with cold, demanding eyes from her position in the opulent castle hall. The princess stood silently, her posture rect but her gaze full of fear.

-Milo said you were asking for me

-I wanted to talk to you about Cutler.

The knot in her stomach only churned more, she passed saliva forcefully, trying to bring down the bile she felt rising in her throat. Perhaps this would be her opportunity to express her doubts about this engagement. After what had happened on the beach the very idea of seeing him repulsed her.

-Ah... yes, about that....

One of his hands rested on her neck, his fingernails slightly scratched the skin on the back of her neck. How could he tell the queen that the one they chose to reign next to her made him want to vomit? How could he explain to her that he would rather cut off her own foot at biting point than spend more than an hour in the same room?

-I've noticed that he is tense, I think it's time for you to begin your duties.

The queen continued in a monotonous voice. The girl's eyebrows almost touched her forehead and her eyes grew to twice their size.

-W-what? But we're not even married...

-You don't think that waiting until the wedding night is a real thing, right? Men have desires and as their betrothed it is your duty to make sure these desires are granted


The girl took two steps back, the knot in her stomach grew sharper. The queen sighed, looking with false understanding at her daughter.

- As princess and future queen, you have responsibilities to fulfill - the queen said in an authoritative voice. - When you marry Cutler, you must satisfy his physical needs like a good wife. It is more than reasonable for you to start now.

-Mother, I understand that I must be a good wife - she wanted to make it clear to her mother that first of all she was aware and understood what was expected of her, maybe, just maybe, she would understand - but I have doubts about this marriage. There is no connection between Cutler and me and I fear that our relationship will be unhappy - She tried to express her doubts in the most logical way possible, looking in her mother's eyes for some note of understanding.

-My dear, you're not expecting to fall in love, are you? Did you come here hoping that I would tell you that if you don't love him then you don't have to marry him?

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