Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

The smell of burning sand wafted through her room, permeating every fiber of her body and attacking her sense of smell. The princess wrinkled her nose wondering what they were doing. She continued to dry her hair gently.

The cry of a wounded animal made her blood run cold and it was then when she began to understand what was going on. She ditched the top of her skirt, leaving her with the panties designed to give that fluffy touch to her dresses, at the top she had a cream colored corset that she struggled to loosen as she took long lunges.

She had left her room, the door slamming thunderously.

-Where are you going in such a hurry?

Lorelai shouted at her as she almost ran over her. The princess couldn't find enough of her voice to respond, the words choked in her throat, her heart had been replaced by a runaway horse neighing in terror.

She strained every muscle in her body, running as she had never run before, in a matter of two minutes she was already on the beach, every nerve in her body painfully constricted. Large hunting boats stood on the beach, stout men were sharpening what appeared to be harpoons, their foreheads were furrowed, focused on their task and everyone's face looked weather-beaten from time and the salt of the sea.

Large bulldozers were moving back and forth, overturning the rocks that the seals used to sunbathe on, the sand burning under the passage of their monstrous tires. Some of the sand was stained with blood and the reddish hue could even be seen in the waves lapping against the shore.

In the midst of the whole mess stood Cutler and Rahena, overseeing like beacons all their slaughter. Thick tears ran down her cheeks. How could they do this?

-What are you doing?

the young woman shouted loudly, approaching the executioners with a determined pace. The queen looked her up and down, as if she were merely a piece of chewing gum stuck to her luxurious shoes.

-Cutler made me realize that these animals could be of some use to us. Would you believe they've been living for free for decades and we're just now doing something about it?

She clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into her skin so hard she could feel the blood welling up in her palms.

-No! I can't believe it! - She could barely recognize her own voice - I've known this pack for as long as I can remember, they're nothing but innocent animals! - She raised a hand, an accusing finger pointed at her mother - You know that, you know that I come here to feed them, and now you allow this to happen?

-How dare you talk to me like that? Haven't I taught you enough? This tantrum you are throwing only proves that you are weak. Are you really crying over some stupid animals? Cutler - She turned to call the young man who seemed to be checking something on one of the boats - Come here and bring your trophy.

-Why are you ignoring me? Do you really care so little about what I feel? Look at me! At least have the decency to say it to my face! Look me in the eye and show me how little you care about destroying what I value!

Her chest felt heavy and she bit her cheeks, struggling to keep the trembling of her lips in check, she blinked rapidly, trying to dispel the tears that clouded her vision, her mother's figure looked imposing, and although the blue fabric of her vicuna dress swayed in the inclement breeze her hair was immovable, held under the weight of her crown.

Her attention returned to the trembling princess. Her back was fully erect, her movements had the grace of a gazelle and the strength of a lioness, her eyes remained open despite the wind, she was an unbendable sight.

-This is Darius' fault- she lamented almost to herself, -By the time I wanted to stop him, he had already become attached to you, he had already made you weak, the only thing I could do was to separate the two of you.

The princess looked at her astonished, the reason why her father seemed to have created an impenetrable wall had been her mother? The reason for her darkest insecurities and so many nights of crying?


-Oh, you heard me, I know you're not deaf. Besides, what are you wearing? How could you think of going out like that?

The queen's contemptuous tone only finished digging deeper the dagger that had already pierced her.

-You were calling me?

Cutler's voice sounded like the scraping of a fork on an empty plate.

-Ah, yes, show the princess your trophy, and see if she understands once and for all that sentimentality does not belong to the noble.

The young man slowly approached the princess, showing her something he had hidden behind his back. She did not need to detail it for long before she recognized the soft white fur of what had been a puppy. Blood stains ran down Cutler's hands.

Before she could process anything her legs failed, forcing her to fall to her knees, her ears ringing, her throat burning and a tearing sound filling the air, it took her a few seconds to understand that the pain in her throat and the ringing in her ears was because that pain-filled sound was coming from her.

-It's nothing but stinky things

He said throwing the corpse of the puppy, she felt everything she had eaten coming back with force, she turned around, giving the respect that the innocent being whose life had been mercilessly cut deserved, and emptied her stomach violently on the black sand.

Her throat seemed to close and the air was getting scarcer and scarcer, she began to gasp like a fish out of water, desperate, everything around her seemed to disappear, black spots began to take over her sight.

-I hope this reminds you that love is stupidity, worshiping something makes you weak, and only bad leaders are weak, if I have to destroy everything you love for you to understand I will.

She was not strong enough to look up, she could only concentrate on the grains of sand as she tried to fight the dizziness that was slowly taking over her body.

-I'm leaving, next time I see you I hope you look presentable.

She felt the heavy treads of those jewel encrusted heels pass her by.

-I know I told you I would do something with those things when we reigned, but then it occurred to me, why wait? And once I told the queen about my idea, the project started almost immediately. You could find yourself a new hobby, have you considered the piano? I'm sure those beautiful hands can do many things.

Those words filled her with nausea, her stomach contracted, but nothing but yellowish bile came out of her mouth. Cutler's footsteps followed those of the queen.

And only when she found herself alone did she allow herself to break down, another gut-wrenching scream pierced her throat, her hands were tangled in her hair, angry tears escaped from the corners of her closed eyes. It was only when her screams were replaced by small whimpers that kept shaking her shoulders that she allowed herself to feel that hand gently running down her back.

-H-how long h-have you been h-here?

She hesitated

-Enough, are you ready to get up?


There was no reply, but she felt a hand grab her waist and another pass under her legs, and soon she found herself in the air, held by Milo's arms.

-If you stay here you'll get sick.

The young woman hid her face in Milo's chest, ruining his shirt that was now stained by her tears and smeared makeup.

-Wasn't it your day off?

-Caring for you is a full time job, besides I was close by, come on, let's go home.

-I don't have a home.

Milo stared at something in the distance, unable to give her an answer.

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