chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

The dinner continued despite the tense atmosphere. The looks exchanged between the princess and her mother seemed to be full of resentment, a battle of wills and secrets could be seen in their eyes. When dinner was over and the guests were dismissed, Queen Rahena and King Ferdinand exchanged a glance. Without a word, they grabbed the princess by the arm and led her out of the hall into a private room.

-How dare you lie and shame us like that? - Rahena's voice was charged with indignation.

Keeping her legs from shaking was a herculean task for the young woman, but she had to stand her ground despite the fear that was beginning to take hold of her. She knew that facing her parents would not be easy and yet she was more than willing to stand up for her ideals and protect Octavia. There was no way she could back down.

-I am sorry that my actions have embarrassed you, mother, but for me it was the right thing to do.

At the queen's side Ferdinand sighed.

-I understand your intentions, but can you not see how your lies risk our reputation? - He bent down a little and his tone was softer as he came face to face with his daughter.

The princess paused for a few seconds to study her father's face, it seemed that the more she grew older the more they part way, she just wanted to hug him and tell him that she would be a good daughter, to please had breakfast with her again, to say good night and good morning to her again, to stop being a shadow of the man he was. She bit her lips to keep those words in his throat.

-You must learn to measure your actions and consider the consequences of your impulsive decisions.

The princess's eyes left the king's face to direct her gaze to the ground, she was overwhelmed by her father's scolding, maintaining a strong posture under his scrutiny was almost impossible, she knew she had disappointed him, but she also knew that her impulsive lie had saved Octavia's life and that was something she would never regret.

-I cannot go back on my principles - she replied looking up with determination - I will not allow unjust behavior to prevail in the kingdom!

The queen's eyes shone with restrained fury and her fists remained clenched at her sides - Your defiant attitude only shows your lack of respect for us and for the traditions of royalty - Her voice sounded like ice - You must learn to abide by our decisions and not interfere in matters that do not concern you.

-If you were willing to listen to me you would understand the importance of being a fair and compassionate leader. I can learn from this experience and make amends for my mistakes, but can you listen to me?

Listening to the harsh accusations of her parents overwhelmed her, she barely managed to keep her composure as she stated her reasons, her voice was charged with emotions, feelings that had tried to inhibit her all her life. "Emotions are nothing but mental activity, and like everything else in your mind they can be controlled, reason must prevail, sentimentalities are not for leaders" Her mother's words after seeing her cry for the first and last time echoed in her head. How could she really be heard if she lost control like that?

Rahena broke free from her husband's grip and lashed out at the princess, unable to contain her anger, the sound of the young woman's skull crashing against the wall echoed through the room. Her body fell heavily to the floor. Her dazed mind barely managed to process the pain in the back of her neck and the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. With her eyes filled with unshed tears, always unshed, the girl staggered to her feet, she tried to get away from her parents but before she could seek shelter in some corner of the room Rahena lunged at her again, grabbing her arm tightly.

Those brown eyes opened wide, the queen's perfect eyebrows almost touching her forehead, the fear she saw in her daughter's eyes forced her to change tactics, hitting her family's beliefs had never worked, and she already knew that fear only bends, but does not corrupt, if she wanted to control her daughter's wild soul she would have to appeal to what she knew the girl craved more than anything: her parents' touch.

She reduced the strength of the grip and caressed the young woman's soft skin. She could feel how despite the fear her muscles relaxed under her caresses, She forced a smile and made sure her voice came out soft and honeyed. False understanding and empathy shone in her eyes.

-I'm sorry we've come to this point, my child. I have always wanted only the best for you, and you don't know how seeing how our differences separate us hurts me.

Her tone was melancholy, she brushed a jet lock of hair behind one delicate ear, her daughter closed her eyes, like a cat starved for affection.

-You are young, my love, you are inexperienced and this makes you see things differently. But my job as a mother is to make you understand, my sweet princess, that the decisions we make are always for the good of our family and the kingdom.

She placed her lips gently on her daughter's forehead, the touch was quick, just long enough for the young girl to feel it but fleeting enough to keep her longing for her mother's gentle touch. She motioned for her husband to sit on the other side of the young woman.

-As parents we only expect loyalty and respect from you. The court and the employees cannot see us as anything other than a strong and united front, as heads of the kingdom we must be like an unbreakable wall that will withstand all challenges that come our way.

The king suppressed a complaint, when the princess felt him close the young woman basically threw herself at him. Her slender arms reached around his waist and she tried to hide her face on her father's shoulder, the king's blue eyes searched for approval in his wife's face and only when he got it his strong arms encircled the princess.

Rahena smiled in satisfaction, she knew that their words had built a web of guilt in her daughter's heart, his phrases full of false flattery, empty promises and noble purposes were a weapon to persuade the young woman and make her retract her own convictions.

-The only thing I want is for you to think about what you have done, to reconsider your actions, I have a heavy chest every time you defy us. Promise me that you will behave like a true princess.

Her father's voice lulled her, her head was confused and her heart was heavy, the metallic taste of blood had been replaced by the salty taste of tears that she was unable to contain as she lay in the king's arms, the smell of roses and tobacco filling her lungs and transporting her to a simpler time, a time when she wasn't melting under her father's displays of affection like an addict in withdrawal. A small part of her knew she couldn't promise that, but the desire for those gentle caresses, the kisses on the forehead and the hugs that seem to heal your body was stronger. She nodded vigorously, she didn't trust her voice.

For now that was enough for the queen, her smile showed her triumph, she had managed to control her daughter and quell her rebellion, at least for the moment.

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