Chapter 7:

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Chapter 7:

This was not how Milo expected to spend his only free day of the month, he usually used the hours of the day to be with his family, he helped the twins with the day's production. His father had reached an agreement with the king so that he would be the one to produce the swords for the castle guards and although it was an arduous and constant work - given that the young men were constantly breaking the swords in combat or training - it paid very well, allowing his mother to afford better quality supplies that caught the attention of the wealthiest citizens.

As much as Milo loathed the kings, working in that horrible place had allowed his family a better life, now his mission was to ensure that they could live like that for ever, not only his family but many other families who were not as fortunate as he was.

He was in the market, paying for a pair of golden earrings that he planned to give to Lorelai now that her birthday was approaching, the golden color would highlight the beauty of the young woman: her pale complexion, her chocolate colored hair that when not neatly gathered in a high bun dropped like a fountain to her waist, and those eyes, which shone like the most desired emerald. He felt the tips of his ears turn red just thinking about how beautiful she would look.

-Young man, if you could step out of line...I have more customers to serve.

Milo blushed, ashamed, he had been so lost in his thoughts that he had just been standing there, he accepted the receipt that the old jeweler gave him and hurried to leave the small tent. He kept the box in his hidden jacket pocket, the one that was on the inside, close to his heart, to make sure he didn't lose it.

He was taking his usual route back to his parents when a loud shout caught his attention.

-You're nothing but a dirty vermin! Get out of here!

The commotion seemed to be coming from her neighbor's fruit stand in the right corner of the market. He hurried, Mrs. Anise had taken care of him when his parents were working until dawn, she lived alone, after being abandoned by her husband she trusted few people and even so her doors were always open for him and his family. No matter what was happening, he would ensure that nothing bad would happen to the one who was almost a second mother to him.

He saw her in the entrance of her awning, she had only one shoe on and was clinging tightly to a wooden broom, Milo followed her angry gaze and came upon the image of a boy about his age sitting on the floor with his head bent down.

-Milo! It's good to see you

Her tone regained that sweetness that reminded him of his childhood, though her eyes were still watchful, on the lookout for any movement.

-What's wrong? Do you need help?

-Oh, no dear, I may be old but I'm not helpless, this one- she said pointing to the young stranger -he wanted to act like a smart-ass, stealing my place.

Oh, Milo's muscles relaxed, he had come ready to attack any threat, he didn't expect to meet a hungry young man.

-What did he try to take?

-Two apples and three peaches.

the stranger replied, trying to get up but landing on his butt again as he was hit directly in the head with a shoe. Milo turned around looking disapprovingly at a barefoot Anise.

-What would my mother think if she saw you throwing the shoes she so lovingly made for you like daggers?

-Bah, your mother would understand if they tried to rob her store.

-I don't doubt it - Milo suppressed a smile -Here's what the boy took -He rummaged in the pocket of his blue pants and held out the 5,000 rupee bill. -I think this should be enough.

Anise's short reddish hair shook from side to side due to the movement of her head, despite her clear disapproval she took the money.

-You should stop taking care of the stray dogs, Milo, one day they're going to bite your hand off.

-Helping someone will always pay off, Anise.

the young man replied as he gave her back her shoes and received a short kiss on the cheek from the old woman.

-You've been always a good boy, send my regards to your parents and tell them I'll be expecting them for dinner on Saturday.

One hand handed him a paper bag with the fruit inside while the other wanted to get closer to his face, Milo bent down to give her a better access, he allowed that hand, full of stains and wrinkles from the passage of time, to mess up his blond hair, and for a few seconds he felt again like that 7 year old boy who used to save part of his food to share it with the homeless dogs that lived in his neighborhood. He said farewell giving her a short hug and when he saw how he almost doubled Anise in size, he came back to the present, 20 years later.

The young stranger was still staring at the ground, his long jet-black hair covered most of his face, only a sharp jaw could be seen.

-I'm sorry about all this, but you tried to feed yourself with the wrong old woman's fruit.

He stretched out his hand to the stranger, who after a few seconds in silence only sighed and allowed Milo to help him up. Now that he was standing up, the guard was able to get a better look at the young man's face. He had almond-shaped and elongated eyes of a strong gray color, his nose was a little long and thin, giving him an aquiline touch, his lips were thin and the beginnings of a beard decorated his jaw.

-Here is your purchase.

Quick, slender fingers grabbed the packet, he hurriedly pulled out a peach and basically groaned as he took a bite, juice from the fruit dripping down his jaw.

-And tell me, golden boy, do you always go around helping strangers?

His voice was raspy and Milo could almost feel the weariness in his words, he could barely begin to imagine how hungry he must be, he noticed the dark circles under his eyes that made the stranger's eyes look even deeper.

-Hungry strangers are my weakness.

Milo joked, trying to play down the matter.

I'm sorry, you're not my type, I prefer black-haired girls.

Milo shrugged his shoulders

-It's okay, I'm more interested in brunettes.

The stranger's thin lips curved into a smile, his teeth were white and his fangs gleamed like two sharp gems.

-I think you've already heard my name, however I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Milo Yarrow.

He extended his hand again and this time the young man did not hesitate so much in responding to the gesture.

-Drach Galen

-Well Drach, this is my only day off for the month and I already used most of my afternoon to save you, I hope you're worth it.

He meant it as a joke, but Drach's response took him by surprise.

-Invite me over for a real meal and I'll have a good story for you.

Milo raised an eyebrow, clearly interested, but as he opened his lips to give Drach an answer a piercing scream reached his ears. It seemed to come from the beach the princess frequented.

-You will have to wait. Duty calls.

-I'll go with you

The seriousness reflected in Drach's face and the force in his words made it clear that he was not open to arguments, and Milo had no time for one either.

-Well, but what you see must be between you and me.

Drach's thick eyebrows contracted into a silent question, he studied Milo's gaze for a few seconds until he seemed to find an answer in that sea of blue.

-I promise.

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