Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

-Stop whining!

Queen Rahena sighed in exasperation at the grumbling of her daughter, who looked like a fish trying to breathe out of the water.

-But I can barely breathe! This is so tight it looks like my breasts are going to pop out! My wedding day is supposed to be special for me, but the ones who will have a show if I move wrong will be the guests.

The fabric of the dress was soft against her skin, the length showed off her legs without being scandalous, at least she wouldn't have to worry about showing her undergarments as well, the problem was the heart-shaped corset that Lorelai had adjusted to the limit, The princess felt how her internal organs began to pile up one on top of the other and feared that if she breathed deeply she would end up breaking a rib, the metal bars of that instrument of torment were digging into her sides and the bazillion of emeralds that were embedded in it made it weigh at least 8 kilograms, it was like walking with a bulletproof vest.

-Cutler chose it personally, it is necessary for you to wear it.

Of course, by all means.

-Your Majesty, if you like we can try on the dress for the upcoming dining with the court, after all the union with the young Collins will not occur until a few months from now.

The princess gave her maid a grateful look avoiding her mother's eagle gaze, the queen contemplated the young woman's words for a moment and finally nodded.

-All right, Lorelai, see to it that she looks decent, I trust you - she opened the door to her study - I have other matters to attend to, so take care of her.

The threat of "if my daughter embarrasses us in front of the court I'll have your head on a plate" was left floating in the room, the air that both girls had held back was released with a collective sigh.

-Please get me out of here

pleaded the princess pulling at the corset strings to no avail.

-I'm coming, don't break it.

Once the princess was free from her vaporous prison she sat on a brown bench while Lorelai rummaged through the closet looking for something.

-This is your color

She turned around revealing a simple but delicate burgundy-toned dress, it had a round neckline and the sleeves went up to the shoulder, the fabric at the waist seemed to shrink in order to shape the figure and the length went all the way to the floor.

-You are a wizard

The young woman grabbed the dress, the fabric felt like a second skin and the material was dark enough to cover the sweat stains she would most likely have during dinner. Being surrounded by the whole court always made her nervous, she barely managed to take two bites of food without wanting to puke. All those eyes on her just seemed to judge her, reminding her how different she was from everyone else and that she would never fit in, she would always be the broken princess in their eyes.

-Come on, put it on.

Lorelai made sure that the fabric was smooth before turning to the mirror, she had gathered her hair in a simple headdress that seemed to be refined but loose enough to spare her the headache that complicated hairstyles used to cause her.

In the reflection she met her own eyes, looking in the mirror always caused her confusion, she understood, clearly, that that person was her, the round face, the wide and upturned nose, the full lips with the marks generated by her own nervous bites, a skin that seemed to be neither pale nor tanned, a tone that is neither here nor there, just like her.

The cleavage would probably be a problem for Cutler who preferred looking at her breasts than looking at her face and was insistent that she wear garments that gave his eyes easy access. But hey, for one night he'd have to put up with it. Her waist looked natural and marked without taking her breath away.

She walked back and forth across the room testing the movement, the fabric adjusting to her movements without tangling around her legs with each step, thus eliminating the chances of falling. She looked elegant enough to placate her mother without taking away what little freedom she was allowed.

-It's perfect

She jumped up and embraced the maid, who accepted her touch for a few seconds.

-Remember to keep your composure, princess, we don't want any trouble.

The tone and seriousness of her words hit like a bucket of cold water, not that Lorelai didn't like her, but she had to constantly remind her that displays of appreciation were forbidden and that if the queen or the king saw her being friendly with the staff they would all be in trouble.

-Of course... Excuse me.

He gave her a soft look and let her hair down gently.

-Dinner is in two days, you can keep your dress in your room and I'll take it upon myself to get you ready when the time comes. For now I'm leaving, princess.

She bowed a little before leaving her alone. She couldn't blame Lorelai for trying to keep their interactions to a minimum, anything that might put her job at risk terrified her. But she longed to be friends with her, perhaps it was absurd, why would a princess who had everything on a golden platter yearn for the friendship of her servant?

The beautiful dresses, the expensive jewels, the extravagant food, all the luxuries, the silk and gold that surrounded her paled beside those moments when she could feel like a normal young woman.

But her path was already mapped out, guided by what fate had decided for her, soon the heavy crown would be on her head and she would reign at Cutler's side, maybe she could change some things, make sure her workers had fair breaks and access to better food, finally she could get to know the kingdom and see with her own eyes in what situation the subjects really live in.

His parents told him amazing stories about the trust, love and loyalty the people had for the Cohen legacy, but every time he heard the reality from his closest workers those stories were filled with cracks. The first time he wanted to talk to the queen about it the subject was quickly disposed of.

-You know you can't leave until you are crowned, don't you trust your parents? What we tell you is nothing less than the truth. Or are you calling us liars?

-No, mother, but the truth of the different realities may not reach the castle.

-Stop worrying so much about the commoners, the only thing you need to understand is how to make the best out of every servant in the kingdom, if our house benefits then the people will benefit as well.

That conversation continued to leave a bad taste in her mouth, her mother was convinced that the only right way to lead was from above, sitting comfortably on her silver and diamond throne while her power grew stronger and stronger thanks to those below her. And as much as she wanted to believe her words and accept the guidelines imposed by her family, her heart screamed that this was nothing more than oppression.

How much could she do when the whole system seemed to be rotten?

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