Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

The hall was filled with laughter and lively conversations. The elegant guests were enjoying the exquisite dinner, the dukes, the marquises, the counts and the viscounts along with all the maidens had been invited to the general hall for an opulent meal. In the midst of all those important people Octavia tried to be as discreet as possible in her mission: in a gathering like this is when the nobles would least miss a lost dish. Her eyebrows were slightly contracted and the tip of her tongue peeked between her lips, her fingers trembled slightly as she tried to remove half of a swordfish filet from the plate she had so carefully prepared.

Octavia's furtive movements were followed by Cutler's sharp gaze, his eyes widened, catching the cook's every action. One perfectly groomed eyebrow arched as he watched clearly as Octavia hid half of a freight between her hands. He stood up immediately, his face was red with anger and his mouth contorted revealing white sharp teeth.

-Here we have a traitor in action - He exclaimed with an accusing voice while pointing at the young woman - Look, Princess, how your employees steal under your nose.

The hall was silent, the conversations were immediately extinguished and all eyes turned their attention to the scene. After a few seconds small murmurs were heard, the nobles were talking among themselves full of surprise and curiosity for the sudden accusation.

Octavia stood frozen in place, looking like a deer under the lights of a moving carriage, her heart pounding in her chest, she felt every glance as if they were bugs crawling up her skin, wanting to consume her, accusing her before she could articulate a word.

The princess, who was sitting next to her mother couldn't help but intervene, the tension in the air and the speed with which Cutler had accused Octavia was making her nauseous. She stood up, passing saliva with difficulty as she felt the eyes of those present now focused on her.

-Wait! - the princess exclaimed, her voice echoing in the hall. -Let me explain what really happened.

All eyes turned to the princess, anxiously awaiting an answer. The silence was deafening as the princess summoned the courage to defend Octavia, even if it meant lying. The kings let out a nervous laugh. The queen, seated at the head of the table, looked at her daughter with a condescending smile.

-My dear, don't lower yourself to argue with these people. They are only servants, they don't deserve your defense or your food.

-I must confess that it was my decision to share half of my steak with Octavia - said the princess, struggling to keep her voice steady and believable. - I simply have no appetite today and I thought it would be a waste not to give her the opportunity to enjoy this delicious dish.

The room erupted in murmurs, some incredulous, others astonished, a princess sharing food with the servants? It was a scandal. Queen Rahena, however, showed a mocking smile on her face, her eyes glinting with contempt and distrust.

-Dear daughter, do you think we can believe this fabricated story? - said the queen in a sarcastic voice. - Do you really think we can accept that you gave your precious food to a mere maid?

The young woman dug her nails into her palms as she clenched her fists. Why would sharing a little with the people who serve you - even if it was a lie at the time - be so bad?

The queen, with a mocking laugh, replied:

-You can't go on lying so blatantly. It's clear that that maid has convinced you to cover up for her.

The princess kept her gaze steady, determined to protect Octavia.

-Mother, I can assure you that I am telling the truth. Octavia is a loyal and dedicated worker, and I will not allow her to be unjustly accused.

The queen, with a false smile on her face, slowly rose and placed her left hand on her daughter's shoulder, squeezing hard enough to leave marks, the girl suppressed a whimper: showing weakness was forbidden.

-Oh, dear daughter, what is this, sharing your food with commoners? You really surprise me with your inordinate generosity.

The princess looked up at her mother, trying to hide her discomfort.

-Mother, the kitchen staff worked hard on this dish, it would be a shame to waste it just because of my lack of appetite- she said.

Rahena let out a cold, sarcastic laugh.

-My dear, you seem to have forgotten your position in this kingdom. As a princess, you should keep some distance from the workers. It is not appropriate to mingle with them and share your food. You are lowering yourself to their level.

The young woman kept her composure despite the sadness and anger that had anchored in her heart.

-Mother, they are honest workers, sharing with them should not be lowering myself, how will I ever be a leader if I see everyone from above?

Queen Rhaena raised an eyebrow and stepped even closer to her daughter, glaring at her.

-Oh, my sweet child, always so naive. Don't you understand that commoners are not worth your time and attention. You must stand out above them, be admired and respected."

The princess took a deep breath, fighting back tears that threatened to well up. The alarm in her head kept repeating over and over that something was wrong, that it was all wrong. Her gaze met Octavia's and Milo's who remained silent, trying to blend in with the wall.

-I don't want to be admired or respected just because I am above others. A leader cares about his own, and if being fair means challenging the establishment then I'm willing to do it.

The queen laughed a contemptuous laugh.

-How naive you are, my child. You cannot change the world with your petty actions. You will only bring trouble and disgrace to our family.

The princess stood her ground, her voice full of determination.

-Mother, everyone deserves justice and dignified treatment, regardless of their position. I cannot allow her to be accused without proof.

Those present watched the tense dispute between mother and daughter without intervening, the few brave enough murmured among themselves as the princess and queen faced each other with defiant looks. Finally the king intervened, trying to calm the situation a little.

-It's all right, daughter, Octavia won't be accused of anything, if what you say is true then we can do nothing but believe you, and Rahena, we can let this go for tonight, we have guests to entertain.

The queen finding herself out of options sat back in her chair hard, rattling the plates on the table.

-Very well, if you want to protect that employee, go ahead. I just hope you are aware of the consequences of your actions. 

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