Chapter 6:

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Chapter 6:

The princess found herself watching the scene unfold in slow motion: Trapped in a terrifying dream, the atmosphere was dark and oppressive, as if she were locked in a cell. Disturbing images of Octavia's unjust accusation and tragic fate invaded her mind.  He watched as Cutler transformed into a grotesque creature: twisted horns protruded from his hundred and greenish scales replaced his human skin, his tongue transformed into a viperous snake that moved viciously as he uttered false accusations. It gripped Octavia violently, digging its glistening claws into the girl's delicate skin.

Octavia shrank back, a frightened child replacing the usual image of strength and size that characterized the cook. Tears made her eyes glisten as if screaming for someone to do something to save her from that monster, Cutler's tongue lolling over her twisted lips as she cried out for Octavia's head to be cut off. And although the princess tried desperately to move, trying to raise her voice and defend Octavia, she felt as if her body was frozen, stuck in a lucid dream where reality and nightmare intertwined. His muscles refused to respond and his voice was drowned out in a hushed whisper. Octavia's gaze met hers, a last attempt to call for help. The princess's heart filled with despair and pain as she realized she could do nothing to save Octavia. Helpless before the immobility of her own body.

Cruel fate had already passed Octavia's sentence. The scene unfolded before the princess's eyes like a twisted and heartbreaking image. The young girl's ears echoed with Octavia's desperate screams that filled the air with terror and agony. Each scream seemed to tear at the princess's soul filling her with anguish until her screams of terror slowly faded away, as if her very life was being extinguished in a final gasp.

The walls seemed to draw closer and closer, imprisoning her little by little, as the cold concrete crashed against her shoulders the floor beneath her feet opened up, a dry scream left her throat as she was forced to fall into a tunnel of darkness.  Finally she could see a light and the promise of a floor that would end what seemed like an endless fall, she tried to put her arms in front of her face, her stomach slammed against the floor knocking out what little air still coursed through her lungs  

The scene quickly changed after Octavia's heartbreaking departure. The princess found herself watching two different scenes: The royal court was in the midst of a banquet, white smiles glistened amidst the laughter, food and drink. The faces of the courtiers were the reflection of a merciless joy, not only did they not care about the tragedy that had occurred but that tragedy was the reason for their celebration, they celebrated Octavia's punishment for her supposed betrayal full of malice and darkness, their faces were distorted, long clawed and pitch covered creatures replaced them, faces contorted by the merciless cruelty that invaded their hearts, merciless laughter filled the air.

In the other room the scene was completely different. Lorelai and Milo stood next to a coffin covered with flowers. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they tried to hold onto each other. The sight of the coffin tore at the princess's chest. The contrast between the wickedness of the court and the anguish of her friends was overwhelming, the cruel indifference of those who should protect and love her people and the devastation of those people themselves.

The walls closed in around her and the ground disappeared beneath her feet, without a foothold she began a fall into nothingness that seemed to be infinite. The darkness gagged her and the vertigo of the fall blocked her ears. A dim light filtered through an opening at the end of the abyss. As she fell face first into the new room, two pairs of legs surrounded her and when she looked up she found the kings, their faces had been disfigured and deformed, their eyes burned with a hellish glow of red and their mouths were full of piercing fangs that protruded menacingly.

The parents, with distorted voices full of venom, pointed their twisted fingers at the princess, blaming her for everything that had happened. The parents, with distorted voices full of venom, pointed their twisted fingers at the princess, blaming her for everything that had happened. Terror invaded the princess, the weight of her overwhelming guilt closed her throat, trapping her voice and leaving her imprisoned.

The words coming out of her mouths were laden with falsehood and manipulation "My dear, you have learned a valuable lesson today. You must not stand between us and justice. Your friend has received what she deserved for her actions. Learn from this and do not challenge our authority again."

He woke up abruptly trying to gasp for air, his heart was beating wildly and his body was drenched in sweat, he felt how the silk sheets were damp against his skin. She was panting hard trying to calm down, she kept telling herself over and over again that it had been nothing more than a dream, that Octavia must be safe and sound in her bed.

All around her the room was bathed in the faint moonlight streaming in from the balcony, she took note of the familiar objects around her trying to convince her mind that she was no longer trapped in the nightmare: her furniture, the paintings on the wall, the softness of her bed. She brought her right hand to her chest, feeling her heart slowly calming down although the cloud of fear and anxiety still hovered over her and the mantra "it's just a nightmare, none of it was real" did little to clear it.

She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with fresh air, and exhaled slowly, releasing the pent-up tension. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to push away the disturbing images that still danced in her mind. Slowly, she sat up in bed and remained seated for a moment, letting her feet touch the cool floor and feel the sensation of a firm floor, which would not disappear to devour her.

With a firm step, she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up and wash her face. The princess faced the mirror, observing her reflection. Her eyes still showed traces of the emotions that the nightmare had awakened, they were red and heavy dark circles fell under her eyelids, her lips were dry and cracked, probably the result of biting them while she slept. She walked to the balcony, opening it to let in the night air. A melancholy laugh escaped her lips, she was just as Milo had found her a few hours before and at last she had an honest answer to his question.

-No, nothing that happens here is right.

The frosty early morning air condensed the air from her breath, making her words seem to come out like smoke between her lips.

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