Chap.6 A simple question

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⚠So everyone are alive, the story may or may not contain some oc's⚠

(......) I talk

(......) Quotes of the characters / Oc

(??? ~ ...) Characters / Oc are talking

(??? ~ " ... " ) Characters / Oc are thinking


" Life is a song - sing it . Life is a game - play it . Life is a challenge - meet it . Life is a dream - realize it . Life is a sacrifice - offer it . Life is love - enjoy it . " From Sai Baba

After Mikey left, Takemichi entered his house, took a shower, and climbed into bed. Before going to sleep, he picked up his phone and...

Takemichi ~ Hey... Sorry to call you at this hour, but could you come to my house tomorrow?

Time skip

the day after , at 3 Pm

Everyone had finally gathered at Takemichi's place. They were concerned about the reason he had called them together.

Yamagishi ~ Bro, you had us worried! Why did you call us here?

Hinata ~ Yeah, Takemichi, I was really worried too...

Takemichi took a few moments before gathering his thoughts and explaining what was bothering him.

Takemichi ~  Well, there's this new girl in our "friend" group, if I can even call it that. Anyway, she's making me feel like I don't belong. She keeps pushing me away, and I don't know what to do...

Yamagishi and Makoto burst into laughter at Takemichi's reflection, causing Hinata to hit them in annoyance.

Hinata ~ That's not nice of you to laugh at your friend!

Akkun ~ Why did I choose to become friends with such idiots...

Realizing their mistake and fearing Hinata's anger, both Yamagishi and Makoto quickly apologized. Hinata continued to address Takemichi.

Hinata ~ Takemichi, why would you say that?

Takemichi ~ Since Mikey saved her, she started hanging out with us. You might think it's nothing, but they don't even talk to me anymore. They completely ignore me or barely even acknowledge my presence. It feels like I'm invisible...

Hinata noticed the sadness in Takemichi's eyes and approached him, giving him a comforting hug. Meanwhile, Yamagishi and Makoto were whispering and laughing in the background, but their conversation was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Makoto ~ I bet Takemichi is jealous because he wishes he was saved by Mikey.

Yamagishi ~  Oh, my big hero Mikey-kun! Please save me :((

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