Chap.11 First day

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⚠So everyone are alive, the story may or may not contain some oc's⚠

(......) I talk

(......) Quotes of the characters / Oc

(??? ~ ...) Characters / Oc are talking

(??? ~ " ... " ) Characters / Oc are thinking


" You fell in love with my flowers but not my roots , so when Autumn arrived you didn't know what to do . " From Unknow

The morning sunlight streamed into the room as Takemichi awakened from his slumber. He detected a pleasant aroma wafting from the kitchen, and as he opened his eyes and set on the couch , he saw Inui's head popping out from there. Inui approached him, carrying a tray filled with a delicious breakfast, which he placed on the table. Inui smiled at Takemichi but remained standing, not making a move to sit down. This made Takemichi feel uneasy. How could he enjoy his meal while Inui stood by without eating?

Takemichi looked at Inui with a warm smile and suggested, 

Takemichi ~ Why don't you join me and sit with me ? Let's eat together !

Inui nodded in agreement and smiled back. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a small bowl of rice. Takemichi sighed, wishing Inui would indulge in a proper breakfast, but he began eating nonetheless.

Time skip

Two days had passed, and it was now Monday, the beginning of a new week , the first day of creation. An outing had been planned—a trip to the beach with the Toman captains , vice captains and their girlfriend Hinata, Emma, Pah-Chin's girlfriend, Yumi and Yuzuha without forgetting Rebecca . It was set to be an incredible day of fun and relaxation.

As the girls changed into their swimsuits, the boys had already finished and were eagerly waiting for them. Rebecca, however, took longer than the others. When she finally emerged from the changing room, she was wearing a long yellow sweatshirt that concealed her bathing suit. It puzzled everyone why she would choose to wear a sweatshirt over her swimwear.

Throughout the day, Rebecca sat on the sand, playing with Angry, Chifuyu, Kazutora, and Hakkai. Nearby, Inui and Takemichi engaged in a conversation, while the others enjoyed ice cream, frolicked in the water, or swam.

Suddenly, Baji ran towards Rebecca and the others, clutching a bucket filled with seawater. Unbeknownst to him, he tripped on the sand, causing the water to spill all over Rebecca. She shrieked, and everyone rushed over, except for Inui and Takemichi, who calmly made their way to the commotion.

This time, they caught a glimpse of Rebecca's bathing suit, which was plain black. Panic spread among the group, insisting that she remove it. Rebecca adamantly refused until Mikey stepped forward and took it off for her.

As they looked at her body, they noticed some bruises, which startled and concerned them. Rebecca, in a panic, attempted to downplay the situation, saying, 

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