Chap.12 One week

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⚠So everyone are alive, the story may or may not contain some oc's⚠

(......) I talk

(......) Quotes of the characters / Oc

(??? ~ ...) Characters / Oc are talking

(??? ~ " ... " ) Characters / Oc are thinking


" Letting go of toxic people is an act of self-care . " From Unknow

The second day of the week, the second day of creation,

and the group was hanging out again with Rebecca among them. She appeared a bit distracted and was wearing a sweater again.

As they were all eating ice cream, Mikey noticed that Rebecca seemed uncomfortable. He said

 Mikey ~ Aren't you hot? It's summer, and you're wearing a sweater.

Rebecca panicked and replied, 

Rebecca ~ Oh no, I'm actually cold...

Mikey proceeded to take off her sweater, which earned him a scolding slap from Draken.  Draken say sternly.

Draken ~ You idiot! What did I tell you yesterday? Don't do that! 

Mikey defended himself, 

Mikey ~ But look...

 All eyes turned to Rebecca, and they noticed new bruises on her body. The atmosphere turned uneasy as they realized something was not right. Rebecca tried to brush it off with a nervous laugh, saying she had just fallen.

Concerned for their friend, they tried everything to distract and make her forget about whatever happened.

The third day of the week, the third day of creation, 

they met up at a coffee shop again. Rebecca was present, but her distraction was evident as they tried to make her laugh, although it didn't work as well as before.

The fourth day of the week, the fourth day of creation, 

they spent time together in the city. Rebecca's mental presence was dwindling, but she still managed to respond and laugh with them.

As the days passed, she grew more distant and distracted, leaving them all worried about her well-being.

Finally, on Sunday, the seventh day of the week, the day of the rest,

 they were gathered for a meeting. Rebecca seemed once again detached from the group. Draken decided to approach her, attempting to offer comfort by placing his hand on her head, but she startled and pulled away, visibly scared. She quickly apologized and stood up, bowing deeply.

Rebecca stuttered, 

Rebeca ~ I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to—I was just surprised.

Everyone's attention turned to her, and Draken tried to reassure her. Chifuyu, concerned, walked up to her and asked, 

Chifuyu ~ Rebecca, are you okay?

Surprised by his question, she nervously replied, 

Rebecca ~ O-of course! W-why w-wouldn't... I?

Chifuyu noticed the sadness in her expression and pressed further, saying, 

Chifuyu ~ Well, it's you who should tell us why you wouldn't be... You've seemed off lately. What's happening? I- no we're really worried about you.

As Chifuyu got closer, he noticed something was wrong. He gently probed, leading to Mikey discreetly taking off her sweater. Draken's expression changed, and he seemed shocked by what he saw on Rebecca's body.

She panicked, on the verge of running away, but Chifuyu grabbed her wrist. Holding back tears, he said, 

Chifuyu ~ Is this why you've been distant these days? What happened? No, who happened? Who dared to hurt you?

Rebecca started to cry, and her friends surrounded her, reassuring her that she was safe and could share her troubles with them. Tearfully, she said, 

Rebecca ~ Y-YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! IF I SAY WHO DID IT... it will ruin everything... I don't want to destroy it...

Mikey's anger rose, and he embraced her tightly. When he released her, he looked into her eyes and said, 

Mikey ~ No matter who did it, you are more important than them.

She looked towards Takemichi with tears in her eyes, drawing everyone's attention. Chifuyu asked, 

Chifuyu ~ I don't understand? Why are you looking at Takemichi?

Rebecca was Tearing up again and Mikey angrily said , 

Mikey ~ ... Takemichi, what did you do ?



What will happen ?? What will Takemichi do ??? WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT ??? What will they do next ??? What will happen to them ??? What is happening with Takemichi ??? What did Takemichi do ?? Why does she have bruise ??? Why did she jumped when Draken was going to pet he head ???

Well you will know it in the next chapter!!


Hey !! if you are here because of my first story or my others then HELLOOOO

hope you enjoy this story like the first one or like the others one , or did you liked this one?

Hope the chapter wasn't too short !! ( currently wrote 769  words )

Sorry if it's short but i didn't really knew what to write it :(

but till it HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT !! Little lector !

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