Chap.8 I Through YOU would understand ...

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⚠So everyone are alive, the story may or may not contain some oc's⚠

(......) I talk

(......) Quotes of the characters / Oc

(??? ~ ...) Characters / Oc are talking

(??? ~ " ... " ) Characters / Oc are thinking


" No partner in a love relationship ... should feel that he has to give up an essential part of himself to make it viable .  " From May sarton

Today was yet another day filled with confusion, attempts, and uncertainties. Takemichi had once again invited his friends over to his house to seek their advice. As they arrived, Takemichi shared with them what had happened the previous day.

Ever since Rebecca and Hinata met, they had started spending a lot of time together. Not only did Rebecca become very close to Takemichi's friend group, but she also became intimately involved with his girlfriend. It just didn't seem fair. Rebecca had a way of always inserting herself into every situation, even where she didn't belong. It was as if she had some kind of enchanting power over them all.

This constant intrusion was driving Takemichi mad. He felt like he was being forgotten, pushed to the sidelines. And yet, no one seemed to notice the despair in his eyes. They were all captivated by Rebecca's siren-like charm.

It had been a week since Takemichi's last date with Hinata, and Rebecca had managed to interfere in their relationship like a persistent parasite. Frustration and anger built up within Takemichi, and he couldn't contain his emotions any longer.

Takemichi ~ "ARGHHHHH! I don't understand! Why can't she go stick her nose somewhere no one would ever find her!"

Takemichi attempted to express his anger, but he couldn't sustain it. Rebecca effortlessly made him feel guilty for harboring such strong resentment. Perhaps she wasn't intentionally making him feel this way.

That's why he had called his friends again, hoping for a second opinion. Hinata, having met Rebecca, might understand his perspective.

Takemichi's friends and his girlfriend gathered in his room and took their seats. Once again, Takemichi shared his troubles with them.

Takemichi ~ She's driving me crazy! I... I feel more lonely than ever...

Hinata interjected upon hearing his words.

Hinata ~ What are you saying? She's genuinely nice! She's not like what you described.

Takemichi ~ But haven't you seen what she's been doing since our date?

To diffuse some of the tension, Akkun chimed in.

Akkun ~ Oh, speaking of your date, how did it go? What happened?

Hinata ~ Yeah, we had a great time. :)

She smiled, but Takemichi didn't seem to agree. Takuya noticed and asked for his thoughts.

Takuya ~ You don't seem to agree with Hinata-chan. What are you thinking?"

Takemichi ~ Well... it was good, until a certain someone showed up and another certain someone allowed them to join us...

Yamagishi ~ Who ?

Yamagishi started to pout since everyone was ignoring him ( my poor baby 😭 )

Hinata ~ What? But we had a great time!

Takemichi ~ Maybe you did, but not me... I felt even more left out than usual.

Akkun ~ What happened?

Hinata ~ Well, unintentionally, I bumped into Rebecca. She was with Mikey-kun, and she asked if she could join us, and I said yes.

Takemichi ~ You didn't even ask for my opinion... you accepted without considering how I felt! 

Yamagishi and Makoto gasped, and Akkun wasn't pleased with Takemichi's words.

Akkun ~ No, you didn't just do that !?

Everyone turned their gaze toward Hinata, who looked embarrassed.

Hinata ~ Well... I wanted to see what she was like... And she really isn't how you described her...

Makoto ~ Well, if Hinata said tha-

Akkun cut him off.

Akkun ~ We know you have a soft spot for every girl you meet, but you could at least support your friend!

Yamagishi ~ It's true; sometimes, Takemichi tends to overthink things too much."

Makoto ~ Couldn't agree more.

Akkun started to argue with them, and soon everyone joined in except Takemichi.

Feeling overwhelmed and misunderstood, Takemichi finally snapped.

Takemichi ~ SHT UP! JUST SHT UP!

Everyone looked at him, and tears started streaming down his face.

Takemichi ~ Just get out of my house! I don't want to see any of you anymore ... at least for now ...

With that, he made them leave. He walked back to his room, lay down on his bed, and spent a sleepless night filled with tears and overthinking.

Takemichi ~ I thought you would understand, but apparently you did not...



What will happen ?? What will Takemichi do ??? WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT ??? What will they do next ?? Will Takemichi stay mad for a long time ??? What will happen to them ??? 

Well you will know it in the next chapter!!


Hey !! if you are here because of my first story or my others then HELLOOOO

hope you enjoy this story like the first one or like the others one , or did you liked this one?

Hope the chapter wasn't too short !! ( currently wrote 827 words )

but till it HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT !! Little lector !

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